Archives of the Yellowjacket News...beginning April 2007 .  ending August 2010  

August 28, 2010:  The YellowJacket "Self-Posting" News page is removed from the website.  It was on the website from February 13, 2010 and only 18 "News" items were posted during this 6 month period.  Instead, Techites are almost unanimous in choosing to use the MESSAGE BOARD for their "News" items.

1 - August 8, 2010 11:00 am  
Tech Year: 1970
News: Tech High reunion
classes of 1967 to 1973
aUGUST 27 AND 28

Very last chance.
send in by august 15.



ROB JOLLY 901-737-9377

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2 - July 5, 2010 1:52 pm  
Name: rob jolly
Tech Year: 1970
News: graduates of 1967 to 1973
Reunion 2010 has been extended!
the hotel has agreed to give us three more weeks till we have to give a final number.
so those of you on the fence can come.
send $20 deposit to rob jolly at 8662 pine needle drive. germantown tn 38139.
for info call 901-486-0670
or e-mail

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3 - June 29, 2010 9:29 am  
Name: Karen Cook-Pryor
Tech Year: 1980
News: Our reunion events this past weekend were GREAT! It was good to see peope we had not seen in years. We plan to keep in touch and contact more people for the next function.

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4 - June 29, 2010 7:09 am  
Name: Cecilia Hatch Shettles
Tech Year: 1969
News: Despite the low turnout we had a wonderful time at the Class of 1969 Ladies Luncheon this past Saturday, June 26th. Summer seems to be a busy season for everyone. We hope to see most of the ladies again at our next luncheon which will be late October or early November.
As always take care and stay in touch when possible.

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5 - June 14, 2010 11:41 am  
Name: Cecilia Shettles
Tech Year: 1969
The date for the 1969 Ladies June Luncheon will be at 1:00pm on June 26th at EL Amigo's on the Square in Olive Branch MS. For directions and contact information go to the Tech High tab on home page of this site
Hope to see everyone there!!!!!!!!!!


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6 - May 29, 2010 8:03 am  
Name: rob jolly
Tech Year: 1970

A dear friend of mine, Rita Gallagher,
needs help. Her husband, Kevin, was in
a traffic accident in February, gashed his leg open, had two heart attacks, got a collapsed lung, several infections and never made it out of the hospital.
Knowing he was not going to live, Kevin asked to be taken off all machines and passed away peacefully. Before all this Kevin had been laid off from a great job due to the poor economy and they had to rely on savings to survive. Rita needs our help!
We have started a fund called Rita’s Shares.
We are looking for 100 compassionate friends that will donate $10 a month for one year. This will allow Rita to grieve and not worry about losing her home while she does so. We already have 41 people signed up and are looking for 59 more. We started the fund on May 27th. Ask friends of yours also. Let’s help Rita know that people care. Contact me for info on donations.

Many thanks
Rob jolly
all my Tech friends

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7 - May 24, 2010 4:19 am  
Name: rob jolly
Tech Year: 1970
News: Tech High School
Class Reunion
1967 to 1973

We will have a reunion of those classes on
August 27 and August 28, 2010. E-mail Rob Jolly
at or call him at
901-737-9377. Go to
to list your information and find info about
our reunion. Please tell any classmates or
relatives that you may have about the
website and the reunion.

Aug. 27 – Meet and Greet – Davies Plantation
Casual Dress – Bar-b-cue supper - $15 per person
Tech Memorabilia will be displayed.

Aug. 28 – Dinner and Dance – Holiday Inn at I-240
@ Poplar Ave. Dressy casual Attire - $60 per person.
Tech Memorabilia will be displayed.

$20 deposit per person by June 30.
Balance paid in full by August 15

Checks payable to:
Tech High Seven
8662 Pine Needle Drive
Germantown, TN

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8 - May 20, 2010 3:07 pm  
Name: Carolyn Elliott
Tech Year: 1963-1987
News: Today's CA has the obituary of Vassie Calvin Jones, who was known to Tech students over several decades. "Miss Vassie" was on the housekeeping staff, proud to work at Tech and always ready to lend a hand to faculty and students. The yearbook saluted her in 1984 with a full-page picture and recognition as the longest-serving staff member at that time, with thirty-three years at Tech. Her photo is in the faculty section. Click on it for her obituary.


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9 - April 28, 2010 10:37 am  
Name: Webmaster
Tech Year: -

We have learned today of the death of one of our major supporters, Martin J. "Buster" Bradley, Tech 1938, on April 17, in Brentwood, California.

Several years ago, when "Buster", the son of long-time Tech shop teacher "Jungle Jim" Bradley, learned about the website, he began contributing Tech-related articles to the BLUE & GOLD BUZZ section. Do yourself a favor and read them, if you have not.

Thank you Lillian Bradley Laws, Tech 1941, for letting us know about your brother. We extend our sincere sympathy.

The obituary has now been posted on the OBITUARY page and on Buster's yearbook photo on the 1938 pages.

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10 - March 21, 2010 3:46 pm  
Name: carolyn Elliott
Tech Year: 1963-1987
News: An e-mail from J. D. Smith reminded me that many Tech students probably knew the late Alex Chilton of Box Tops and Big Star fame. He had a Tech High connection through Box Top band mate John Evans, son of Tech's longtime welding shop teacher, John Evans Sr. Sadly, Alex succumbed to a heart attack last week in New Orleans, silencing a powerful and influential Memphis music voice.

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11 - March 13, 2010 5:13 pm  
Name: Cecilia Hatch Shettles 1969
Tech Year: 1969
News: CLASS OF 1969 - LADIES
The location for the first outing of the year has been changed. Please update you calendar with the following information.Crumpets Tea Room, April 24th at 12:30. For more information and directions, please refer to the Tech High tab and click on dinners.

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12 - February 24, 2010 9:50 am  
Name: Karen Cook-Pryor
Tech Year: 1979 - 1980 - 1981
News: 1979-1980-1981 REUNION

Email from Karen Cook-Pryor: "We had a successful meeting on 2/21/10. A number of new classmates attended. We will be deciding on the design of our Reunion T-Shirt at the next meeting on 3/28/10 - Leonard's on Fox Plaza, 4 PM. Remember the last day for payment of dues is May 16th 2010, this is also our last meeting".

Note: Detailed info about the 1979-1981 Reunion is posted on the TECH REUNIONS section of the website.

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13 - February 23, 2010 8:48 am  
Name: Gene Gill
Tech Year: 1951
News: 1955-1959 Classes have announced the date for their Annual BBQ. Complete details are posted on the TECH DINNERS, MEETINGS,etc section of the website.

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14 - February 22, 2010 5:16 pm  
Name: Dave French
Tech Year: 1969
News: "The Tech High 7” reunion committee for Classes 1967 through 1973 has announced the dates for their 2010 Reunion. The information has now been posted on the "TECH REUNIONS" section of the website. Don't miss the link that has photos of the location for the Saturday evening event. Updates and class contacts will soon be added to this page as they are received. Please continue to check the "REUNION PAGE" often for these updates.

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15 - February 22, 2010 2:25 pm  
Name: Cecilia Shettles
Tech Year: 1969
News: Ladies of 1969. First Outing of the year: Day Trip to Sikeston MO with lunch at the famous Lambert's Restaurant. For more details and contact information, visit the "Tech DINNERS, Meetings,etc" section, under "Tech High" on the web site's navigation menu.

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February 13, 2010: The YellowJacket News page is deleted from the website and replaced with a "Self-Posting" News Page.

February 11, 2010:  1938's entire Yearbook added.  The latest class to have their entire yearbook added to the Tech Alumni website is 1938.  Thanks to Dave French, Tech 1969, who wanted the 1938 book on the website because it's his father's year, and for arranging for Maureen T. White, "Honorary Techite", to scan the book.  Thanks to Maureen for scanning the entire book.

February 6, 2010:  1955's Entire Yearbook added.  Thanks to Ruth Hage St. Peter, Tech 1955, for taking us up on our offer to add any class's entire yearbook.  Ruth did a beautiful job of scanning every page and sending the files to us to post on the 1955 pages.

January 29, 2010:  Zippin Pippin Dismantled.  Carolyn Elliott writes that todays Commercial Appeal features a " of the Zippin Pippin at the Fairgrounds being dismantled for storage.  Many memories will go into storage with it".
The article has been added to the ALL ABOUT MEMPHIS section of the website, under the ARTICLES, etc button on the menu at the top of this page.  

January 26, 2010:  Memo to Bob Mann, T'47  ...   Ruth Hage St. Peter, T'55  ...  Martin Willis, T'56 ...    Virginia Brown Clingan, T'64  ...  Ruth Sanders Morgan, T'68  ...  Phil Murphy, T'68   ...   Theresa Brown Harris, T'77, T'78

You gave this website a head-start by stepping forward when we were just beginning and scanning the senior photos of your class for us.  Why not complete the process now, and scan your entire yearbook so it can be added to the website?   You scan your yearbook, and I'll add every page. Please contact me.  Gene Gill, Webmaster

January 17, 2010: Memphis Memories.  If you haven't checked the "Memphis Memories" section recently, you 'll find  lots of new additions.

January 11, 2010:  New Section for Website.  We are frequently asked for Prayer Requests for the NEWS, but the time involved in doing this for a school Alumni website is over-whelming.  Now, for your convenience, we have added a new section for PRAYER REQUESTS under the "Messages, etc" tab on the top menu.  You must fill out the Request Form and your request will be posted immediately.

January 4, 2010:  Reunions this Year -  Below are the Anniversaries for 2010 along with Reunion Information:

1950 60th Anniversary Reunion scheduled April 30-May 1.  Details posted on TECH REUNIONS page.
1955 55th Anniversary We have heard nothing from this class.
1960 50th Anniversary Reunion MIXER scheduled July 17.  We have heard no other details.
1965 45th Anniversary Reunion MIXER scheduled July 17.  We have heard no other details.
1970 40th Anniversary Reunion "in planning stages."  We have heard no other details.
1975 35th Anniversary We have heard nothing from this class.
1980 30th Anniversary Reunion scheduled June 25-27.  Details posted on TECH REUNIONS page.
1985 25th Anniversary Reunion "being planned".  We have heard no other details.


We really hope all Tech classes will take advantage of the many facilities on the Tech Alumni website, but you can see from the information above, that some classes appear not to even remember us until after they've had little or no success with the websites of  "Classmates" and now... "Face Book". 

We have available for immediate use, the TECH REUNIONS page where current information is posted about all Tech Reunions.  In addition, we have the TECH DINNERS-TRIPS-MEETINGS page where current information about these events is posted.  We have the YELLOWJACKET NEWS for changing and current news.  And we have a live MESSAGE BOARD-GUEST BOOK page - where anyone may post an immediate message.  Plus, we are constantly revising the website to make it more pertinent to all your needs. 

More importantly, during a Google Search or Yahoo Search for "memphis tech high" or variations of the same, this website comes up listed at #1 - long before the websites for Classmates and Face Book appear.  If you are looking for your missing classmates, those classmates will find us before they find "those other websites".

And did you know that the Tech Alumni website has a prominent listing with WIKIPEDIA - the on-line Encyclopedia?  The ONLY other Memphis High School to be listed with them is arch rival, Central HS. 

However, we are only able to post information that is sent to us.  An alumni website can't possibly stay alive and remain meaningful, if you, the classmates it represents, don't actively and frequently participate - and not just during the period when you are having a reunion. Please ask your Reunion Committee members to add the Tech Alumni website to their mailing list and to keep us informed so that we can keep you informed. 

Gene Gill, Webmaster

January 1, 2010:  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

December 30, 2009:  Reunion News:  Classes of 1979-80-81.  There will be a meeting at Leonard's Barbeque on Fox Plaza Drive, January 10, 4 PM.  You can begin paying your reunion dues at this time.  Final payments due by May 16.  More information on the website's TECH REUNIONS page.  (Email from Karen Cook-Pryor)

December 20, 2009:  Photos of 1969's Ladies Trip to Nashville.  Thanks to Cecilia Hatch Shettles, Tech 1969, for sending photos of their Ladies Trip to Nashville on December 12.  The photos have now been posted on the 1969 "New Photos" page.

December 9, 2009:  New Article on the Blue and Gold Buzz section.  Thanks to Martin J. Bradley, Tech 1938, for sending us another article about his remembrances of Tech - "A Boy Scout Christmas".  The article is now posted on the Blue and Gold Buzz section.

December 8, 2009:  Four new articles in All About Memphis Section.  Four new Articles have been added to the All About Memphis section of the website.  The articles are about the downtown Department Stores, "Father of the Blues" W. C. Handy, the first Piggly Wiggly, and Memphis Trivia.  If you can add information or photos to the department store article, it will be appreciated.

December 6, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's annual Christmas party.  There were 41 present at 1951's annual Christmas dinner last night.  The dinner was hosted, as it has been for many years, by Ann and Carl Kimberlin, at their Olive Branch home.  Click here to see the Christmas party photos.    (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

December 1, 2009:  Jane Fisher Wiley, Tech 1965, receives award.  Jane Fisher Wiley, Tech '65, of Dyersburg, has received the "Angel Award" from Grace Broadcasting during a live, one-hour interview with Tom Mapes at the Grace Radio Station in Jackson, TN.  (See the article about Jane on the Blue and Gold Buzz section...along with the article about the Angel Award.  Thanks to Carolyn Elliott for the information).

November 13, 2009:  Another new Section.  Sometimes various classes have wanted us to add information about their Dinners, meetings, trips, or luncheons.  We've never had a section for this and have generally included most of them with REUNIONS (which they really are not).  Now we have added a new section for this under the TECH HIGH menu button and it's called "Tech DINNERS, Meetings, etc".

November 13, 2009:  1955-59 Quarterly Dinner.  The Classes of 1955-1959 will sponsor their 4th 2009 Quarterly Dinner, December 1 at the Piccadilly on Mt. Moriah at 5:30 Pm.  (Thanks to Joan Caldwell Lemser, T'1955, for this information).

November 12, 2009:  FOUND!  1968 Ladies Tech Ring.  Robin Dean at the Pyramid Academy in the Old Tech Building, has passed on to us a class ring lost by a lady from the Class of 1968, hoping that we can find the owner.  There is a connection to El Segundo High School in El Segundo, California.  Please see the new CATCH ALL page for all the details.

November 12, 2009:  The NEW LOOK.  The Tech Alumni website has a new look.  The menu has been revised into a "drop-down" design and moved to the top of the page.  As the website has grown and more and more sections have been added, the previous button-type menu at the bottom was simply getting too large.  We hope you'll quickly adapt to this new menu. 

November 6, 2009:  1969's Ladies Nashville Trip.  A 2-day trip to Nashville has been planned for December 12, including one night at the Radisson Hotel and reserved seating for the Rockettes Christmas Show.  Deadline for submitting your request is November 20.  (Contact Cecilia Hatch Shettles, )

November 6, 2009:  1969's Reunion Photos.  The Reunion Photos for the class of 1969 have now been added to the 1969 pages on this website.   (Thanks to Wayne Harrell for allowing us to use his photos, and to Rita Collier Harrell, T 1969, for sending the photos).

November 3, 2009:  1951's Monthly Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their November "Get-together" dinner on THURSDAY November 12, at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  The date has been changed to Thursdays for the Winter Season.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

October 28, 2009:  1979-1980-1981 Multiyear Reunion  The classes of 1979,80,81 have set the dates of June 25-27  for their 2010 Multiyear Reunion.  For more details check the TECH REUNIONS section and continue to check that section for updates.  (Thanks to Karen Cook-Pryor, Tech 1980, for in News)

October 26, 2009:  Class of 1969 creates a "Good Monster"  The recent 1969 Reunion was so great that 17 ladies from this class met for tea at Paulette's in Midtown yesterday afternoon.  They continued to have such fun that they are already planning a day trip to the Opryland Hotel (Nashville) December 12.  Details later.  Photos from the luncheon have been posted on the 1969 New Photos page.  (Thanks Dave French and Cecilia Hatch Shettle, 1969, for the news)

October 21, 2009:  New Article - Blue and Gold Buzz   A new article on Mike Abt, longtime art teacher at Tech, has been posted on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.  This historical piece relates Mr. Abt's experiences as producer of the Cotton Carnival for many years.  Published in Billboard Magazine in 1952, it is illustrated with a photo of a float your webmaster sponsored and built in 1951. 

October 21, 2009:  Classes 1960-66, Mark your Calendar   The classes of 1960-66 have just announced the date for their 2010 Casual Reunion Mixer.  Mark your calendar now for Saturday, July 17, 2010.  The Reunion Mixer will be held at the Memphis Botanic Garden.  Check the Tech Reunion page of the website for more information as it becomes available.  (Thanks to Dianne Douglass Deming, Tech 1964, for the information)

October 19, 2009:  Tech items available.   A new page has been added to the TECH REUNIONS section where you can purchase Tech items for personal use, for gifts, for Reunions, or possibly for Reunion Fundraisers. At the bottom of the page are items various Tech classes have featured at their reunions.  Any class can send in photos of their items to be added to the page.

October 12, 2009:  2010 Calendar featuring photos of Tech.   A 2010 Tech Calendar is now available for free download from the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section of the website - or click here.

October 6, 2009:  Reunion Fundraiser - Classes 1979, 1980, 1981. The classes of 1979,1980, 1981 are having their 2nd Reunion Fundraiser on October 23 at The Shack, 385 and Riverdale at 9 PM.  The cost is $10.  Tickets are being sold or you can pay at the door.  There is a cash bar.  Dress in 70's attire!  Please check the TECH REUNIONS section of this website for contact information and for updated details.

October 1, 2009:  Meeting Reminder:  Classes of 1980-1987  The classes of 1980-87 are having their 2nd Reunion Meeting Saturday October 3,  at The Works Beauty Salon, 744 S. Highland at 3:00 PM.   Call Ken Howard, Tech 1984, for more information 483-5153.

October 1, 2009: 
Antique Car Buffs.  If you like Pre-War Antique Cars, Chuck French, Tech 1970, will have several of his cars on display at the Hernando, MS Fall Festival.  The show is on Saturday, October 3, 2009 from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm on the Town Square.  He will include his 1913 Model 'T' Ford Brass "Dixie Track" Touring Car, 1928 Model 'A' Standard 4-Door Phaeton, 1931 Model 'A' Deluxe 2-Door Phaeton and a 1932 Packard 902 Sedan.  Chuck is known for giving free rides whenever possible.

October 1, 2009:  1951's Monthly Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their October "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, October 10, at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

September 29 2009:

September 23, 2009:  Class of 1969 Yearbook. The class of 1969 is the 8th class to have their entire yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.  Click here for complete details or see the complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

September 23, 2009:  Bob Cheevers  Musician Bob Cheevers, Tech 1961, announces a new personal website:   (Thanks to Ed Bell, Tech 1961, for the information)

September 23, 2009:  1969 Class Reunion photos.  If you forgot to order your 1969 Reunion class picture, go to the photographer's website <> and look at the pictures.  If you did not order a class picture and the reunion, and you want one, contact Rita Harrell <>.  If you want to order a group picture, please pick the one you want and let Rita know.  If you want all the pictures except the group picture, also let her know.  Prices are the same as they were at the reunion.  If you order thru the website, they will cost more.  (Email from Rita Harrell)

September 22, 2009:
 Reminder:  Memorial Service for Tech teacher Katie Macdonald. The family of Katie Macdonald, Tech teacher in the 60's, have planned a memorial service for her in Memphis.  The service will be at Buntyn Church, 561 S. Prescott, Memphis, on Saturday September 26, 2009, at 11 AM.  Click here for more information.

September 20, 2009:  Reunion:  Classes of 1980-1987  The classes of 1980-87 hope to hear from their classmates.  A reunion is being planned for 2010 and a meeting is scheduled for October 3, 3 PM at The Works Beauty Salon, 744 S. Highland.  Please contact Antoinette Taylor Johnson, Tech 1984 <> or Alfreida Cansler Cunningham, Tech 1984 <>

September 18, 2009:  Congratulations Class of 1969!  Tomorrow, on the Tech High campus, the Class of 1969 will celebrate their 40th Anniversary.  This reunion would probably never have happened without the untiring efforts of Dave French.  In September of 2007, Dave began a special quest to locate the missing classmates of 1969.  For the next two years he rarely missed a day without searching.  Dave has now located 184 classmates and over 90 of them will be attending the Reunion tomorrow.  This website honors your special achievement, Dave.

September 14, 2009:  1952's September Eat-out .  The Tech Class of 1952 will hold their monthly Dutch-treat Dinner this Saturday, September 19, at 5:30 PM at the Piccadilly on Exeter Road in Germantown.  Anyone is invited to join us for good food and fellowship.    (Thanks Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, for the information)

September 13, 2009:  Class of 1949 Yearbook. The class of 1949 is the 7th class to have their entire yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.  Click here for complete details or see the complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

September 12, 2009:  1969's 40th Reunion Reminder. The Class of 1969 will have their 40th Reunion next Saturday, September 19, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on the Tech High Campus.  So far we are expecting 165+ attendees (including coaches and teachers) with approximately 90 or so being 1969 Class Members.  Any '69 graduate still undecided about attending has time to reconsider. Please contact Cecilia Hatch Shettles (901-428-0535) or Dave French (678-516-1305) for details or visit the reunion information section of this website.  Better yet, just show up and surprise us.  Your Name Tag is ready and waiting for you. (Thanks Dave French, Tech '69, for the information)

September 12, 2009:  Class of 1953 Yearbook. The class of 1953 is the sixth class to have their complete yearbook posted on their section of this website.  Thanks to Jo Lynn Yarbrough Smith, Tech 1953, for scanning the yearbook.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

September 7, 2009:  1946's Bi-Annual Dinner.  The Class of 1946 will have their Bi-Annual Dinner this Thursday, September 10.  Click here to contact Sue Lee Johnson for details.

September 6, 2009:  1951's Monthly Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their September "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, September 12, at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

August 26, 2009:  Memorial Service for Tech teacher Katie Macdonald. The family of Katie Macdonald, Tech teacher in the 60's, have planned a memorial service for her in Memphis.  The service will be at Buntyn Church, 561 S. Prescott, Memphis, on Saturday September 26, 2009, at 11 AM. (Email from Susan Macdonald Glenn)

August 25, 2009:
 1955-1959's Tech Quarterly Dinner. The next Quarterly Tech dinner sponsored by the 1955-1959 Classes will be September 1, at the Piccadilly Mt. Moriah and I-240, from 5:30 PM til ?? .  And the date for the December quarterly dinner will be December 1 - same restaurant, same time.  (Thanks to Joan Caldwell Lemser, Tech 1955 for the information)

August 16, 2009:  Attendance at 1952's August "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 27 were present at last night's "Eat Out" at the Piccadilly.  After an open discussion, the class decided to change their monthly DINNER HOUR TO 5:30 p.m.

August 13 2009:  Rock 'n Roll Band Jamboree - A Musical Happening!!! .  J.M. Van Eaton, Tech 1956, will be the featured Drummer in a Rock 'n Roll Band Jamboree "Music of the Fifties and Sixties - at the Levitt Shell, September 10.  Free Admission!  Click her for complete details.  

August 12, 2009:  1952's August Eat-out .  The Tech Class of 1952 will hold their monthly Dutch-treat Dinner this Saturday, August 15, at 6 PM at the Piccadilly on Exeter Road in Germantown.  Anyone is invited to join us for good food and fellowship.    (Thanks Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, for the information)

August 11, 2009:  Email about the Trophies.  "What a wonderful surprise!  In the group of trophies on the Tech Ledger section, I found the one that Ray Frank Sharp and I won at the Tau Kappa Alpha State Debate Tournament in 1940.  I continue to be amazed at the web site".  (Thanks Mac McCluskey, Tech 1940)

August 11, 2009:  Class of 1929. The class of 1929 is the fifth class to have their complete yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

August 10 2009:  Coach Sivert is ill.  Coach Sivert has been in the hospital, ill with pneumonia, but he's now at home.  His address is:  James E Sivert,  4040 Altruria Road,  Bartlett, TN 38135, Telephone 386-1825    (Thanks to Kerry Chumney, Tech 1957, for the information)

August 9, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's August Get-together.  There were 28 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their August photos.     (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

August 6, 2009:  Photo of that new sign at Tech.  Thanks to Larry Turner, Tech 1968, professional photographer, for sending us a photo of one of those new signs that have gone up over the gates of Tech.  Click here to see the photo.   

August 6, 2009:  1951's August Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, August 8, at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

August 5, 2009:  Class of 1952. The class of 1952 is the fourth class to have their complete yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

August 3, 2009:  Class of 1970. The class of 1970 is the third class to have their complete yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add it.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

August 2, 2009:  George Sherrill traded to LA Dogers.  Pitcher George Sherrill, son of  Lee Sherrill, Tech '67, and Susan Goldsmith Sherrill, Tech '70, has been traded to the LA Dogers.  Click here for a detailed report.  (Thanks to Dave French, Tech '69, for the information)

July 30, 2009:  The Times they are a'changing  Email from Hazel Rogers, Tech 1968:  "New signs have gone up at Tech.  Arched over the gates at each end of the circular drive are signs saying NORTHWEST PREP ACADEMY...and a new sign has been added at the front walk.  Glad our school name is etched in stone on the front".

July 29, 2009:  Class of 1950. The class of 1950 is the second class to have their complete yearbook posted on their section of this website.  If you would you like your complete yearbook added to your class section on this website, your webmaster is willing to add them.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

July 22, 2009:  Yearbooks anyone??? The class of 1951 now has their complete yearbook posted on their pages of this website - thanks to the excellent scanning of 51's Sue Lee Johnson, who sent the scans to webmaster Gene Gill.  Would you like your complete yearbook added to your class pages on this website?  Your webmaster is willing to add them.....    Click here for complete details or see complete details posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.

July 21, 2009:  Photos of 1960-66 Reunion Mixer.  Thanks to Ed Bell and Joan McCommon for sending photos of the 1960-66 Reunion Mixer on July 18.  The photos have now been posted on the 1960 thru 1966 pages of the website.

July 21, 2009:  1960-66 Reunion Mixer.   Email from Dianne Deming:  "If you didn't come to the Reunion Party for the classes of 1960-1966 last Saturday (July 18), you missed a good time!  We had lots of fun talking to classmates, plus good food and a great band. There were 135+ in attendance.  The 60-66 Reunion Committee plans to have a Reunion Party every year in July, so if you attended Tech during 1960-66, and you are not on the mailing list, please contact me,  or Rita (Johnson) Wieland,, so we can add you to our database."

July 19, 2009:
 Class of 1959's 50th Anniversary.  Mack Hughes, Tech 1959, reports that "...everyone seemed to have a GREAT time" at 1959's 50th Reunion last night at the Fino Villa Italian Restaurant in Collierville.  "They were all lively and the food was good ... and we're already talking about another reunion in a few years".  We hope Mack or someone from the class of 1959 will send some photos to add to their pages on the website.

July 19, 2009:  Attendance at 1952's July "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 26 were present at last night's "Eat Out" at the Piccadilly.  They were especially happy to have Sam Gentry's sister, Margaret Walker, a graduate of that school on Bellevue, join them.

July 17, 2009:  Class of 1952's July Eat-Out.  This month's Eat-Out will be July, 18th at 6:00 p.m at the Piccadilly on Exeter.  Anyone is invited to join this Dutch-Treat dinner.  If you haven't been for a few months, how about coming back?.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the information)

July 12, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's July Get-together.  There were 23 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their July photos.     (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

July 11, 2009:  New Button on Website Menu.   Although the Tech High Ledger is a different website, it is such a companion to this website that we have added a button to the Tech Ledger on the menu of this website.

July 7, 2009:  Baron Wilkes, Tech 1969   The CA published a photo of Baron Wilkes, Tech 1969, on his accomplishment of hiking around the full rim of the Grand Canyon.  Click here for Baron's photo and his personal account of the hike that he sent to teacher Carolyn Elliott.

June 29, 2009:  New CA articles about the early years of Memphis Schools.  Newly found Commercial Appeal articles about the early schools in Memphis have been added to the CLASS ROSTERS and PHOTOS sections for the years 1875, 1878, 1911, 1918, 1919, and 1920.  There are also articles listing the graduates for these years, so it's almost like adding a yearbook for them.  Very interesting reading for those interested in history.

June 28, 2009:  New Section on the Tech Ledger website.  A new Tech ledger has been discovered.  This time, it contains the names and signatures of everyone inducted into the National Honor Society from 1938 to 1980.  Check it out - in the "Miscellaneous" section of the Tech Ledger website.  We're also in the process of adding photos of all Tech's trophies to this section.

June 22, 2009:  Very Special New Tech Website.  A new website has just opened on the internet.  This one features "The Tech Ledger" - which lists EVERY student who ever registered at Tech, along with their place of birth, date of birth, age, grade, parent's names, address, phone number and the school they last attended.  The ledger goes from 1929 to 1952 and contains 772 pages.  It's a great source of information for anyone searching for their family's history.   Check it out:

June 21, 2009:  1952's June Eat-Out.  Attendance at 1952's June "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 22 were present at last night's "Eat Out" at the Piccadilly.  They were especially happy to see Ann and Don Reed from Sugar Tree TN.

June 19, 2009:  Classes of 1978-1979-1980 - Meeting Scheduled.  The Reunion Committee has scheduled a meeting July 20, at the Public Library, 5094 Poplar (Poplar-White Station), from 5:30 - 6:30.  Please attend to held finalize reunion plans.

June 17, 2009:  Classes of 1978-1979-1980.  If you're interested in a combined 30 year Reunion, an "interest form" is posted on the first page of each of these classes.  Your response is critical to a reunion. 

June 6, 2009:  New articles Blue and Gold Buzz section.  Two new articles have been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

June 5, 2009:  Can you identify...?.  Teacher Carolyn Elliott has sent us a photo taken in front of Tech in the 70's.  Pictured are a teacher and 3 Techites.  Click here to see the photo.  If you can identify any of them, please let us know.

June 1, 2009:  1951's June Get-together.  The Class of 1951's MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner will be a "Fish Fry" hosted by Carl and Ann Kimberlin, at their Olive Branch home on June 13.

May 26, 2009: Happy 40th Anniversary Class of 1969  Dave French sends email to the Class of 1969.  Click here to read the email.  Check the REUNIONS page for additional information.

May 23, 2009: And more new Blue and Gold Buzz articles.  Articles about Ace Cannon - Godfather of Sax, Tech 1952, Thornton Utz - Saturday Evening Post Cover Artist, Tech 1933, and Bobby Bragan - Major League Short Stop, Catcher, Manager, Coach, Tech 1936, have been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

May 22, 2009: 1955-1959's Quarterly Tech Dinner. The next Quarterly Tech dinner sponsored by the 1955-1959 Classes will be June 2, at the Piccadilly Mt. Moriah from 5:30 PM til ?? .  (Thanks to Kerry Chumney, Tech 1957 for the information)

May 22, 2009: Three more new Blue and Gold Buzz articles.  Articles about Bob Cheevers - Songwriting Troubadour, Tech 1961, Raymond Godman - Stock Car Racer, Tech 1949, and Clifford Poland - Hollywood Cinematographer, Tech 1936, have been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

May 21, 2009: 1955-1959's Annual Barbeque Photos.  Thanks to Kerry Chumney, Tech 1957, for sending photos to 1955-1959's Annual barbeque on May 9.  The photos have now been posted on these classes pages, under "NEW PHOTOS".

May 20, 2009: Another New Blue and Gold Buzz article.  An article about James A. Autry, Tech 1951, author of  10 books, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

May 19, 2009: Two more New Blue and Gold Buzz article.  An article about Techite Travis Wammack, "the fastest guitar player in the south", and an article about singer KAY STARR, Tech 1940, have been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

May 18, 2009:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article.  An article about Charlie Musselwhite, Tech 1962, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

May 16, 2009:  Class of 1952's May Eat-Out.  This month's Eat-Out for the Class of '52 was a pot luck supper on May 16, at the Eads home of Bill and Lou Goodwin.  32 Classmates and friends were present.   (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the information)

May 10, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's May Get-together.  There were 20 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their May photos.     (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

May 4, 2009:   2nd Anniversary.  On April 27, the Tech High Alumni website marked its 2nd Anniversary.  During these two years we have been visited over 45,950 times (That translates to an average of 60 visits per day).  Many thanks to all of you who have actively participated in our website's success.

April 23, 2009:  Class of 1950's 60th Anniversary.   The Tech Class of 1950 has just announced that they will celebrate their 60th Anniversary with a Reunion April 23 - 24, 2010.  Check the REUNION page for more details as they come in.  (Thanks to Don Hild, Tech 1950, for this info)

April 22, 2009:  Charlie Musselwhite, Tech 1962, to be honored.   Musician Charlie Musselwhite, Tech 1962, will be honored by the State of Mississippi with a special BLUES MARKER in Kosciusko, Mississippi on April 24th.  Mississippi is creating this BLUES TRAIL throughout the state to honor its Blues heritage and to promote tourism within the state.  Check out their website at  Charlie will also be playing in Memphis at B. B. Kings on Wednesday April 23rd.  You can visit his website at   (Thanks to Jimmie D. Smith, Tech 1968 for this info)

April 22, 2009:  Webmaster is back on the job.   Your webmaster had a GREAT time in Memphis April 16 - 21.  On April 17, there were 33 classmates at the Olive Garden dinner.  On April 18, there were 48 classmates at the Get-together at the home of Jim and Shirley Anderson, and finally on April 19, there were 12 classmates for Sunday Brunch at  the Peabody Hotel.   Click here to see the Get-together photos. 

April 15, 2009:  Webmaster in Memphis.   Your webmaster will be in Memphis April 16 - 21 to participate in the Class of 1951's big weekend get-together, ending with a great Sunday brunch at the Peabody.  Please hold your emails until April 21.

April 10, 2009:  40th Reunion for 1969.  Email just received:  "Several 1969 classmates are working on a late 2009 Fall 40th Reunion".  Check the REUNIONS section of this website for updates as they come in.   (Thanks to Dave French, Tech 1969,for the information)

April 9, 2009:  Class of 1946's Bi-annual Dinner-Dance.  1946's Bi-Annual Dinner Dance will  be on April 14.  Everyone is invited, but you must call Russell Willis 901-272-2222 to make a reservation.  It's at the Holiday Inn, 3700 Central at 6:30.  A wonderful Buffet dinner, Cash Bar - $18 per person includes tax and tip.  Dance to the music of Jim Mahannah's Band.  (Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951 for the information)

April 5, 2009:  1875 Commencement Program.  New items in Rob Jolly's Tech Collection include an 1875 Memphis City High Schools Commencement Program - the earliest known program in existence.  You can see it under CLASS PHOTOS and on 1875.

April 4, 2009:  Tech Yearbooks.  The new administration at the Northwest Preparatory Academy (our Tech Building) has been extremely receptive to the "needs" of Tech Alumni and has allowed historian Rob Jolly to go thru numerous boxes of Tech memorabilia stored in the furnace room.  Rob now has a healthy supply of back Tech Yearbooks and he will send one to those who need them.  Numerous alumni are already grateful to Rob because he has always been very generous in replacing their lost yearbooks from his personal collection of Tech yearbooks.  Send Rob Jolly an email:  < >

April 3, 2009:  Overton Park Shell Renovated and Reopened.  The website has just learned that the Shell in Overton Park has been renovated and reopened as the Levitt Shell in Overton Park.  It presents an annual season of exceptional outdoor music - and is FREE.  A new article about the Shell has been added to the MEMPHIS section.   Visit the Shell's website for a schedule of events:

April 2, 2009:  50th Reunion for 1959.  The Class of 1959 has just announced that they will hold a dinner for their 50th Reunion on July 18, 2009.  When additional details become available they will be posted on the REUNION section of this website.  Contact Mack Hughes <> or call Rose Henderson Beaver 901-854-1017.  (Thanks to Mack Hughes for the information)

April 1, 2009:  1951's April Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951's monthly dinner will be hosted by Jim and Shirley Anderson at their Germantown home on April 18.  There's also a dinner at The Olive Garden on April 17 and a Champagne Brunch at the Peabody on April 19.  Your webmaster will be in Memphis for 4 days during this event, looking forward to seeing a lot of classmates, new friends, and hoping for a peak dogwood and azalea season.

March 26, 2009:  Son of Techites signs new Baltimore Orioles Contract.   George Sherrill, son of Lee Sherrill (Tech 1967) and Susan Goldsmith Sherrill (Tech 1970), has signed a new contract with the Baltimore Orioles for $2.5 million.  Click here for details.   (Thanks to Pat Nykodem Malone, Tech 1970, for the information)

March 25, 2009:  Photos of 1955-1959's Quarterly Tech Dinner.   Kerry Chumney has sent photos of March 3rd 1955-1959's Tech Quarterly Dinner at the Piccadilly.  The photos have now been posted under "New Photos" on 1955,56,57,58 and 59's pages of the website.  Thanks Kerry.

March 22, 2009:  1952's March Eat-Out.  Attendance at 1952's March "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 26 were present at "1952's January Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly on March 21.

March 16, 2009:  1952's March Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on March 21, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.    (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilknson, Tech 1952, for the information)

March 15, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's March Get-together.  There were 17 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their March photos.  (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

March 12, 2009:  New website features Tech.  A new website called re-creates school-related wearing apparel for high schools that are no longer around.  They are now featuring Tech on one of their pages of "Classic Schools".  Click here to see the Tech page and the apparel that would be especially great to wear at Tech reunions.  They also have a link to our Alumni website on the Tech page, calling it "One the best high school alumni sites on the web".

March 2, 2009:  1951's March Get-together Dinner.  The Tech Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, March 14 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd, 5:30 PM.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

March 1, 2009:  Another March Snow for Memphis.  Elaine Brademeyer McAdams, Tech 1957, has sent us photos of the late snow in Memphis on March 1.  The photos are posted on the MEMPHIS section of the website.  If others send photos, we'll add them to this page.  Thanks Elaine.

February 28, 2009:  Events sponsored by Classes of 1955-59.   The Classes of 1955 to 1959 have announced two of the events they sponsor each year:  1st QUARTERLY DINNER of 2009, March 3, at Mt. Moriah Piccadilly, and their ANNUAL BARBEQUE, May 9, at Shriner's Club, Olive Branch MS.  See the TECH REUNIONS page of the website for more details.

February 24, 2009:  New Items added to website.   A new article about the "Memphis Belle" has been added to the MEMPHIS section and a new item has also been added to the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section's Mid-south Memories page.

February 22, 2009:  Attendance at 1952's February "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 23 were present at "1952's January Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly on February 21, including Paula and Sam Gentry, the proud Grandparents of "American Idol" contestant Alexis Grace.

February 21, 2009:  New BLUE and GOLD BUZZ article.  Elaine Brademeyer McAdams, Tech '57 has sent us an article by John Coker, Tech '55.  It's now posted on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website and the title is "I miss Hollywood".

February 19, 2009:  "American Idol" with a Tech connection.  Alexis Grace, the first girl singer chosen for this year's "American Idol" TV program, lives in Memphis and is the granddaughter of Paula and Sam Gentry, Tech 1952

February 15, 2009:  Commercial Appeal Mid-south Memories.  We've added several more items to the Commercial Appeal Mid-south Memories page on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

February 15, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's February Get-together.  There were 22 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their February photos.  (Thanks to Joyce Baker, Tech 1951, for the information)

February 13, 2009:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article.  A new article has been posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section about Billy Blackwell, Tech 1941, WWII fighter pilot, who helped put on an air show for the Cotton Carnival.  (Thanks  Dave French, Tech 1969, for the information).

February 12, 2009:  1952's February Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on February 21, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner. 

February 9 2009:  Did you know that the Northwest Preparatory Academy recently replaced the Pyramid Academy that had been housed in the Tech building?  The new academy is for overage high school students.  (Thanks Carol Elliott for the information).

February 9 2009:  Did you know that Haywood Smith, Tech 1948 flew Air Force One for President Lyndon Johnson?   (Thanks  Carol Elliott for the information).

February 8, 2009:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article.  The new article featuring Terry and Jean Kirk, Tech 1944 and Tech 1948, is about how they met.  It appeared in the Commercial Appeal February 8.  (Thanks  Carol Elliott for the information).

February 5, 2009:  Did you know that LaConnie Taylor-Jones, Tech 1976 has written two romance novels and has her own web site?  On the website you can find out more about LaConnie and read reviews and view the trailers for her books?  Click here to visit her website.  Click here to see the covers of her two novels.  (Thanks  Carol Elliott for the information).

February 1, 2009:  1951's February Get-together Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, February 14 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

January 29, 2009:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article and new Memphis Memories.  A new article has been posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section about "History of Grandma's Apron" - and a lot of new "memories" have been added to the Memphis Memories page.  Why not add to this page by sending us your "memories of growing up in Memphis"?   It only takes a few minutes to write out some of the things you remember about your teenage years.

January 27, 2009:  Tech Classmates leave messages in the Guest Book.  During the month of January, classmates from 1963, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1984, visited the Guest Book and left messages - some several times.  Have you checked?  One of the messages may be for you.  Don't forget to check the Guest Book frequently.  Classmates post new messages almost daily. 

January 20, 2009:  ATTENTION:  1983 Classmates.  Rose Marie Young Wilson hopes to arrange a reunion for the Class of 1983 and is looking for classmates.  PLEASE CONTACT HER.  Email: Phone:  901-281-6712

January 19, 2009:  Attendance at 1952's January "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 20 were present at "1952's January Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly on January 17.  Sam and Paula Gentry shared that their granddaughter, Alexis Middleton would be appearing on "American Idol", January 20.

January 12, 2009:  Did you know that Pete Dugan, Tech 1936 is personally responsible for getting the Veterans Plaza built in Overton Park?  The memorial was the culmination of Pete's 55 year personal crusade to honor soldiers from Shelby County who lost their lives in America's wars.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has written a new article about Pete for the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section.  (Thanks  Dave).

January 12, 2009:  Update Rob Jolly - Rob sends an email update:  "To my wonderful friends...Happy New Year to each of you.  We await the birth of our fourth grand baby any day now.  I have many very good days and several bad days.  I have three more fingers trying to act up.  I start two seminary classes in two weeks.  It is difficult to type most days.  I miss all of you and thank you for your e-mails, concerns and prayers sent on my behalf.  Please continue all of them.  Love to you all". 

January 11, 2009:  Did you know that the Tech High R.O.T.C. unit provided the firing squad and bugler for military funerals in Memphis?  And in the latter part of 1935, and early part of 1936, it had the honor of participating in the funeral services for two of the last remaining Confederate Army veterans.   (We haven't had a "Did you know..."? on the NEWS page for over a year and a half.  Thanks Martin "Buster" Bradley, Tech 1938, for the information).

January 11, 2009:  Attendance at 1951's January Get-together.  There were 30 present at 1951's monthly get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their January photos.   (Thanks to Winford Baker for the information)

January 10, 2009:  New article in Blue and Gold Buzz section.  We've posted a new article in the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section of the website.  The article is from the Commercial Appeal and features Delories Williams, Tech 1969.  (Thanks to Carolyn Elliott for the information)

January 8, 2009:  1952's January Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on January 17, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner. 

January 7, 2009:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article and new Memphis Memories  A new article has been posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section about WWII Posters - and quite a few "memories" have been added to the Memphis Memories page. 

January 3, 2009:  Tech Reunions in 2009  The Reunion page for 2009 has been set up and includes all Reunion information available to us at this time.  This page will change as more information comes in.  Click TECH REUNIONS on the menu at the bottom of this page.

January 1, 2009:  Class Anniversaries in 2009  The following classes will have an Anniversary this year:  1984 - 25th Anniversary.  1979 - 30th Anniversary.   1974 - 35th Anniversary.  1969 - 40th Anniversary.  1964 - 45th Anniversary.  1959 - 50th Anniversary.  1954 - 55th Anniversary.  1949 - 60th Anniversary.  If any of these classes are planning official Reunions, please send the information for the TECH REUNIONS section of this website.

January 1, 2009:  Honors for Techites.  Ace Cannon, Tech 1952, the "Godfather of Sax" has been inducted into the Mississippi Music Hall of Fame.  Former Tech basketball coach Sylvester Ford was featured in a Commercial Appeal article as one of 5 "Kings of Coaching".  His career wins total 659.  (Thanks to Carolyn Elliott for the information)

January 1, 2009:  1951's January Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, January 10 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

December 20, 2008:  Tech Classmates leave messages in the Guest Book.  During the month of December, classmates from 1952, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973,1981, 1984, 1987 visited the Guest Book and left messages.  Have you checked?  One of the messages may be for you.  Don't forget to check the Guest Book frequently.  Classmates post new messages almost daily. 

December 18, 2008:  1962 Techite is ill.  Eddie McCommon, Tech '62, husband of Jennie Barto, Tech '64, is having in-home hospice care.  (Email from Bill Gray Tech 1964)  Note from webmaster:  Eddie passed away December 19.  See OBITUARY section.

December 15, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's December "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that a small gathering of 12 were present at last night's  "1952's December  Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly.  

December 8, 2008:  New article in Blue and Gold Buzz section.  We've posted a new article in the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section of the website.  The article is from the Commercial Appeal and features Doug McNeill, Tech 1976 - the son of Mary Nell Parks McNeill, Tech 1952.

December 8, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's December Get-together.   There were 46 classmates present at the Class of 51's annual Get-together Christmas party December 6.  Click here to see their December photos

December 6, 2008: Photos of 1955-1959's Tech Quarterly Dinner.  Photos from the 1955-59 Quarterly Dinner on December 2, have now been added to each of their NEW PHOTOS pages.  (Thanks to Kerry Chumney, Tech '57, for the photos).

November 29, 2008: DECEMBER GET-TOGETHER.  Ann and Carl Kimberlin, Tech '51, will  host the Christmas Get-together Dinner for the Class of 1951 at their Olive Branch home on December 6, at 6 PM. 

November 22, 2008:  Email Contact Volunteers.  Thanks  to all the Techites who have volunteered to be Email Contacts for this website.  We have now covered all but 5 classes from 1947-1987.  We're still looking for volunteers for the classes of 1954, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1987.

November 20, 2008:  Classes 1955-59 Quarterly Dinner.  The Classes of 1955-1959 will sponsor their 2008 Quarterly Dinner, December 2 at the Piccadilly on Mt. Moriah at 5:30 Pm.  The dinner is open to all Techites, but the newsletter did not list a "contact person".  (Thanks to Joan Caldwell Lemser (Tech 1955) for this information).

November 20, 2008:  New Gallery and Gift Shop in Memphis.  Linda and Charles "Buck" Thomas, Tech 1955,  have renovated an old building in downtown Memphis at 356 North Main Street.  In the renovated building they have opened The Redfish Gallery and Gift Shop < (Thanks to Joan Caldwell Lemser (Tech 1955) for this information).

November 17, 2008:  New Contact person for Class of 1984:  Harold Person has volunteered to be the email contact for the Class of 1984.  Thanks Harold.

November 16, 2008:  Tech High School is now listed on Wikipedia:  Wikipedia is the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet.  It really bugged your webmaster that Central was listed on Wikipedia but Tech wasn't.  After much trial and error, he has gotten Tech listed.  Visit wikipedia at  and type "memphis city schools" in the search box.  When the page opens, click on "High Schools"...and then on "Tech High School".  The page that opens is a history of Tech, a list of some of our noteworthy alumni, and links to our websites.  It is a page "in progress" and will change as it grows.

November 16, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's November "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 18 were present at last night's  "1952's November Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly.  

November 13, 2008:  Notice for Classes 1960-1966.  1964 Classmate Sherran Runnion is coming to the Memphis area.  Joyce Hammond and Brenda Scott may be coming with her.  Friday, November 21st a group of us are meeting Sherran at the Olive Garden, 5679 Poplar, 6:00 PM.  If you can come, please notify Dianne Douglas Deming at or call 662-536-2261.  Since November 21 is Friday, space at the restaurant will be limited, so please contact Dianne by Wednesday 19 November to let her know how many will be in your party. (Thanks to Rita Johnson Wieland, Tech 1964, for the News)

November 10, 2008:  1952's November Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on November 15, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the News)

October 19, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's October "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 20 were present at last night's  "1952's October Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly.

October 15, 2008:  1952's October Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on October 18, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the News)

October 14, 2008:  Walk to Defeat ALS.   Nancy Kelley Cothern, Tech 1957, has been diagnosed with ALS.  She invites you to join the fight against Lou Gehrig's Disease.  The Tennessee Chapter Walk to Defeat ALS will be held Saturday, October 18, 2008 at Audubon Park.  Register that day at 10:00 A.M.  Walk starts at 11:00 A.M.  To pre-register go to or call toll free 1-877-216-5551.  Click here for photos of Nancy   Be sure to look for her at this year's event.  (Thanks to Kerry Arnett Chumney, Tech '57 for the News)

October 12, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's October Get-together.   There were 25 classmates present at the Class of 51's October Get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their September photos.

October 5, 2008:  Memories of Growing up in Memphis   New "memories" continue to be added almost daily to the Memphis Memories page on the MEMPHIS section of the website.  Please visit this section and fill out the form on the page to add your Memphis Memories of the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's.

October 2, 2008:  Ladies of Class of 1948.  The Ladies of the Class of 1948 met for their monthly luncheon today at the Olive Garden on Poplar.  There were 12 present.  This group invites the ladies from the Classes of 46 and 47 to join them for their dutch-treat monthly luncheon, which meets on the 1st Thursday of each month.  They meet at a different place every month.  Contact person:  Leigh Kendrick  901-362-2013 <>

October 1, 2008:  Update on Rob Jolly.  David French, Tech 1969, and Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, have visited Rob Jolly during the last week.  Both Techites report that Rob looks good and he is doing well.  That's good news Rob!  Keep it up!  Thanks Dave and Sue.

September 30, 2008:  Bill Cochran, Tech 1950, to be honored.  Alex McCollum, Tech 1951, reports that Bill Cochran, Tech 1950, will be inducted into the Memphis Park Commission's Hall of Fame for Basketball on December 8.  Congratulations Bill.

September 22, 2008:  Attendance at Bi-annual Class of 1946 Dinner.  Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, reports that a group of 100 attended the Class of 1946 Bi-Annual Dinner on Thursday, September 18th.  The next dinner will be March 2009.

September 21, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's September "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 15 were present at last night's  "1952's September Eat-Out" at the Piccadilly.  Spotted at another table in the restaurant were Rob Jolly and his family.  Rob looked well and was feeling "pretty good".  At another table were some 1951 classmates:  Jim Anderson with wife Shirley and Joyce Sides Baker with husband Winford. 

September 14, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's monthly Get-together.   There were 28 classmates present at the Class of 51's September Get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their September photos.

September 13, 2008:  Death of one of Tech's teachers.   We've just learned of the death of one of Tech's teachers,  Catherine "Katie" MacDonald, after suffering a stroke.  She had been living in Columbia, South Carolina to be near her daughter.  Click here for the obituary

September 13, 2008:  1952's September Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on September 20, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the News)

September 12, 2008:  New Email Contact Class of 1983.  Rosemarie Young Wilson has agreed to be the contact person for the Class of 1983.  Rosemarie is interested in a reunion, so come on Class of 1983, check in and contact Rosemarie.

September 12, 2008:  Email from Rob Jolly.  "I am doing much better - no hand pain at all.  Working on therapy and getting my energy up.  Had 6 good days and then one bad.  Guess it goes with the disease."

September 8, 2008:  New Article in Memphis section.  There probably aren't many of you who remember that in 1944 a bomber crashed within 100 feet of Tech High School?  Teacher Carolyn Elliott has sent us an article on this tragedy and it's now posted on the MEMPHIS section of the website. 

September 7, 2008:  Update from Rob Jolly.  Rob has left a note on the Message Board:  "Update: I have had two very good days. Loved all the great cards and prayers. Continue to pray that I will regain my energy. Love to you all."

September 4, 2008:  Bob Cheevers CD release Party. There will be a CD Release Party for "Fiona's World", the newest album by Bob Cheevers (Tech 1961), at the Center for Southern Folklore on Saturday, September 13.  Click here for full details.  (Thanks to Ed Bell, Tech 1961,  for this information)

September 1, 2008:  1951's September Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on Saturday, September 13 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

August 28, 2008:  Class of 1975, Where are you?  This website has been trying to create a yearbook with photos for 1975 - the class who had their yearbook cancelled by Principal Bourne.  Two 1975 class members (Tommy and Kathy Curry McCulley) are waiting for their 1975 classmates to contact them.  But 1975 just isn't coming forward.  WHERE ARE YOU?  Don't continue as "the forgotten class".  Let us hear from you.

August 26, 2008:  Your photo NOT in the Yearbook?  A REMINDER!  If your senior photo was not published in your yearbook (for whatever reason), we can add it to your class on this website.  Send us a teenage photo from around the time of your graduation, scan it as large as possible and save it as a JPEG file - unedited.  Send to:

August 24, 2008:  Rob Jolly is very ill.   We have just learned that our friend and Tech Historian Rob Jolly is very ill with Lupus, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (where increased amounts of abnormal antibodies are produced that attack the patient's own organs) and a Staph Infection.  He has been sick 6 weeks and they have had to amputate the ends of two fingers.

This website would not have been possible without Rob and his collection of Tech Yearbooks.  And he has graciously set up exhibits of his Tech Collection at almost all of the Tech Reunions.

Please remember Rob Jolly in your prayers and send him a card:  8662 Pine Needle Drive, Germantown TN 38139.

August 18, 2008:  Memories of Growing up in Memphis   One of the new sections of the website called MEMPHIS, has a page called MEMPHIS MEMORIES, where visitors can share their memories of the Memphis of their youth.  This section is catching on and there have been over 14 new "memories" posted during the last week.  Please visit this section and fill out the form with your Memphis Memories in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's.

August 17, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's August "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 34 were present at last night's  "1952's August Eat-Out". 

August 13, 2008:  River Cruise photos.  A selection of photos of your webmaster's recent European River Cruise have been posted on the internet.   Click here to see the photos.

August 11, 2008:  1952's August Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on August 16, at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the News)

August 10, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's monthly Get-together.   There were 24 classmates present at the Class of 51's August Get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their August photos.

August 7, 2008:  Tech Teacher Ray Stephens.   Liddie Frederick, Tech 1967, has notified us of the death of teacher Ray Stephens.  Click here for the obituary.

August 7, 2008:  Webmaster back.   I've returned from vacation to a HUGE backlog of email that I hope to check in the next day or two.

July 21, 2008:  Webmaster on vacation.   Your webmaster will be in Europe July 22 - August 6, on a River Cruise from Amsterdam to Vienna.  The Alumni website will not be updated again until August 7.

July 20, 2008:  New Reunion Photos 1960-66   Rita Johnson Wieland, Tech 1964 has sent photos of the recent 1960-66 Informal Reunion Mixer, and they have now been posted on the 1960-66 class pages.  Thank you Rita.

July 20, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's July "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 24 were present at last night's  "1952's July Eat-Out". 

July 17, 2008:  Techite's son in new play in Chicago.  Jonathan French, son of Ann and David French, Tech 1969 is in a new play having its world premiere in Chicago and Jonathan has received excellent reviews.  Click here to read the reviews.

July 16, 2008:  Attendance at 1960-1966's 2nd Annual Informal Reunion Mixer .   Diane Douglass Deming, Tech 1964 writes:  "We had 94 people attend, including at least two folks who had not attended any reunions since high school.  We had a great time and are already looking forward to next year's event, which will be the 45th for the Class of 1964.  Plan to have it on July 11, 2009".  Thanks Diane, we've added that date to the TECH REUNIONS section of the website.

Teacher Carolyn Elliott has sent some photos of the 1960-66 Reunion and they have now been posted on their pages.  Thanks Carolyn.

July 14, 2008:  Techite's son on this year's All Star Team.   George Sherrill, the son of Lee Sherrill, Tech '67 and Susan Goldsmith Sherrill, Tech '70 pitches for the Baltimore Orioles and was selected last weekend to be on this year's All Star Team.  The game is next Tuesday at Yankee Stadium.  In case any of you might want to call and congratulate them, their phone number is 901-725-4715.  Congratulations George, Lee and Susan. (Thanks to Dave French for this news)

July 14, 2008:  1952's July Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on July 19 at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.  (Thanks to Candy Holt Wilkinson for the News)

July 13, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's July Get-together.   There were 17 classmates present at the Class of 51's July Get-together dinner last night.  Click here to see their July photos.

July 12, 2008:  New OTHER MEMPHIS SCHOOLS.   The New section for OTHER MEMPHIS SCHOOLS has been completed.  Thanks to Rob Jolly for supplying the Yearbooks and special thanks to Sue Lee Johnson for her excellent and untiring job of scanning them.  She is the best.

July 12, 2008:  Happy Reunion to Tech 1960-1966.   

July 7, 2008:  New sections open on website.   Four new buttons have been added to our menu at the bottom of each page:  OTHER MEMPHIS SCHOOLS.  Senior Yearbook photos and other photos have been added for Central, Humes (including the Elvis yearbook), Messick, Southside, and Hutchison.  This section is still under construction and the year you click on may not be ready yet.  MEMPHIS.  This section is for anything related to Memphis.  New photos of Memphis in 1907 are there and a section called Memphis Memories where you can send in your memories of Memphis when you were young.  ADD or CHANGE ADDRESS.  This button brings up a form where you can conveniently add or change your address.  WEBMASTER.  This button brings up an email form pre-addressed so you can conveniently send the webmaster all of your Tech news and all those photos you've promised him.

July 4, 2008:  New Email Contacts Class of 1975.   Tommy McCulley and Kathy Curry McCulley, both from Tech 1975, have agreed to be the Email Contact for the Class of 1975.  Thanks Tommy and Kathy.

July 4, 2008:  Happy Independence Day!!! 

July 3, 2008:  Teacher Dorothy Hopson.  Tech Teacher Dorothy Hopson (1982-1987) left a nice note on the GUEST BOOK.  We've also added a recent photo of her to the RECENT PHOTOS of TEACHERS page.

July 2, 2008:  Tech Classmates leave messages in the Guest Book.  During the month of June, classmates from 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1985 visited the Guest Book and left messages.  Have you checked?  One of the messages may be for you.  Don't forget to check the Guest Book frequently.

July 1, 2008:  1960-66 Reunion.  The classes of 1960-66 will hold their 2nd Annual Informal Reunion on July 12 at the Memphis Botanical Gardens.  For more information visit the TECH REUNIONS sections of this website.  (This is the last Tech Reunion currently scheduled for 2008)

July 1, 2008:  1951's July Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on July 12 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is always welcome at this Dutch-treat dinner.

June 29, 2008:  Changes to the website.   In the next few weeks there will be some major changes to the Alumni website.  Historian Rob Jolly has acquired some yearbooks from Central, Humes, Messick, Southside, and Hutchison - 18 of them.  Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 51, is going to scan the senior photos and assorted other photos in these books and we're going to add them to our website under the title of "OTHER MEMPHIS SCHOOLS".  That means a new button on the menu- and since there are 4 buttons across, we will need to add 3 others.  We'll pass on more information later about these new sections.

June 23, 2008:  New Email Contact Class of 1968.   Hazel Ann Rogers, Tech 1968 has agreed to be the Email Contact for the Class of 1968.  She has begun her campaign to find "everybody" in 1968.  Her mentor in this task will be Dave French, who is successfully doing the same thing for the class of 1969.  Thank you Hazel Ann.

June 22, 2008:  Teacher Betty Hendon and husband Drexel celebrate 50th.   Betty and Drexel Hendon recently celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary, hosted by their son Barry, in Florida.  The party included a tour of Shiloh Military Park, firing of canons, and a sit down dinner for 100.  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hendon.  A photo has been posted on the Recent Photos of Teachers page.

June 22, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's June "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 14 were present at last night's  "1952 Eat-Out". 

June 15, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's June Get-together.   A group of 62 classmates attended the Class of 1951's monthly Get-together yesterday at the home of Ann and Carl Kimberlin.     Click here to see their June photos.

June 14, 2008:  1942 Peabody Hotel Menu.   Entrees at .75 cents.  Tenderloin Steak dinner for $1.75.  Salads at .35 cents.  Sandwiches at .25 cents.  Have a few laughs as you check the 1942 Peabody Menu on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.  (Thanks to William McCluskey, Tech 1940, for the menu)

June 13, 2008:  Your Photo not in the Yearbook?   A Reminder:  If your senior photo was not published in your yearbook (for whatever reason), we can add it to your class on this website.  Send us a teenage photo from around the time of your graduation, scan it as large as possible, and save it as a JPEG file - unedited.

June 13, 2008:  Tech's Original Teachers.   We have found photos of Tech's Original Teachers (at least from 1922), which prompted a re-organization of the Teacher's Pages.  The original teachers are now on the first page with 3 more pages of later teachers - plus a page showing recent photos of teachers.  If your teacher is not shown on any of the 4 Teacher's pages, please send us their name and year, so we'll be able to find a photo and post it.

June 10, 2008:  Guestbook entry.   There is a wonderful entry in the Guestbook from Paul "Internet Surfer in Los Angeles"  who stumbled upon our Alumni Website.   Thank you Paul for taking the time to write that beautiful message.

June 8, 2008:  Email from Kathy Curry McCulley, T'1975.   Kathy and her husband Tommy McCulley are members of the "forgotten class" of 1975 and helped us piece together some info for other members in the class.  Kathy promised to send us a high school photo for their internet Yearbook as well as some other photos from the Tech years.  Her entire family and their spouses were Tech graduates:  Christi Curry and husband James Kennedy (1970), Connie Curry and husband David Thompson (1972), Roger Curry (1974), and her mother who passed away in 1974 was the PTA President (1973-74).  Thanks Kathy.  We look forward to hearing from you again.

June 8, 2008:  1952's June Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on June 21 at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

June 2, 2008:  Tech Website Ad in Commercial Appeal.   There will be a small ad for the Tech Alumni Website in the Commercial Appeal on June 4 and again on June 6.  Please look for it, and cut it out and send to your Tech friends who might not know about the website.

June 1, 2008:  1951's June Get-together.  The Class of 1951's MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner will be hosted by Carl and Ann Kimberlin, at their Olive Branch home on June 14. 

May 24, 2008:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article.   A new article has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section titled:  BURTON CALLICOT - Tech 1926, Artist-Teacher.  There are also some excellent examples of Burton Callicot's work, including the murals at the Pink Palace.

May 18, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's May "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 21 were present at last night's  "1952 Eat-Out". 

May 16, 2008:  New Blue and Gold Buzz article.   A new article has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section titled:  Craig Basse, For decades he chronicled the lives of others.  It is an obituary-article from the St. Petersburg Times about 1948 Tech graduate Craig Basse, who died April 15 of this year.

May 14, 2008:  Class of 1948's 60th Reunion.   Leigh Kendrick sends an email report:  "Our 60th Reunion was May 9 and 10, and it was great.  There were 84 reservations for the Saturday night dinner - with several no shows probably because of the weather.  We had tornado warnings but the bad weather held off until most of us got home.

The Hospitality room at the Holiday Inn University opened at 12 noon on May 9.  There was a nice gathering on and off, most of the day.  We had refreshments and drinks and looked at the scrap books designed by LILLY PENDERGRASS LAUGHLIN.  Several couples from out of town had arrived earlier on Thursday evening.  It was nice to have a long visit with them and get reacquainted.

The buffet dinner Saturday night was held at Fogelman Center on the UM Campus.   It included baked chicken breast, roast beef, cat fish, some vegetables, an assortment of desserts, ice tea and coffee.

Entertainment was provided by our classmates.  ED BOUSSON sang three love songs and read a poem.  He made a CD and gave one to each of us.  JACK MANN WILLIAMS gave a toast which was a poem that his Aunt had originally composed and toasted all of her graduation classes at "The Mann Private School" in Memphis, which she owned.  Judge TOM AVERY gave a cute toast and presented envelopes to names drawn by his date.  We later found out that the envelopes had a $20 bill in them.

RACHEL PENDERGRASS, Lilly's daughter took pictures, both at the hospitality room and at the dinner.  We will send pictures later for the Alumni website."

May 11, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's May Get-together.   A smaller group than usual attended the Class of 1951's May Get-together.  16 were present at last night's dinner.   Click here to see their May photos.

May 5, 2008:
 1952's April Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on May 17 at Piccadilly's on Exeter, Germantown, at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

May 4, 2008:  World War II Memorial Registry of Remembrances.  Tech teacher Betty Hendon sends email:  "We  recently entered a Techite, Theodore Burns, Class of 1933, into the WWII Memorial's Registry of Remembrances at  The Alumni website helped us verify information about Theodore's ROTC training at Tech and it has a very excellent photo of him in his uniform.  The Registry is a free service and anyone - family members or friends, may submit names to the Registry". 

Thank you Betty for bringing this to our attention.  A new page for the REGISTRY of REMEMBRANCES has been added to the BLUE-GOLD BUZZ section of the website.  The name of any Techite honored at the registry will have their name added to this page IF their name and the actual Registry's link to the listing for each name, is sent to the webmaster of this website.

May 1, 2008:  60th Reunion:  Class of 1948  The Class of 1948 will hold their 60th Reunion on May 9-10 - with special guest, the Class of 1947.  For complete details:  See REUNIONS section of this website.

May 1, 2008:  1951's May Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on May 10 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

April 26, 2008:  Happy 1st Anniversary.  Tomorrow, the Tech High Alumni website will celebrate being online for ONE YEAR.  During this first year we have been visited over 21,850 times (That translates to 60 visits per day).  Many thanks to all of you who have actively participated in our website's growth and to those of you who just visit quietly to see what's happening.   We hope you too will begin to take an active part during the 2nd year.

April 24, 2008:  Class of 1975 - "The Forgotten Tech Class"  We had email from Dennis Ward, Tech 1975.  Dennis sent us a couple of recent photos and they have now been posted to a "NEW PHOTOS" page on the Class of 75's section of the website.  If any other '75 classmates sends recent photos, they also will be added to this new page.  Thanks Dennis.

April 21, 2008:  New Article in Blue-Gold Buzz Section.  Tom Woodard, Tech 1968, left such a beautiful message " all Tech Teachers" in the Guest Book, that your webmaster has taken the liberty of turning it into an article for the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website for all to enjoy.  Thank you Tom for this really nice tribute.

April 20, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's April "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 25 were present at this month's "Eat-Out". 

April 19, 2008:  New Reunion Information:  Classes 1960-1966.  The Reunion Committee for the Classes of 1960-66 has just sent new information for their 2nd Annual Informal Reunion-Mixer.  Please check the TECH REUNIONS section of this website.

April 18, 2008:  New Article:  Charlie Miller, Tech 1960  A beautiful article about artist Charlie Miller has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.  Charlie died this year on February 3.

April 15, 2008:  Webmaster back on the job.  The week in Memphis was a very special treat.  There were 50 classmates at our Class of 51's April get-together.  GREAT FUN!  And we topped it off by going to the Sunday Brunch at the Peabody.  If you've never done this, save your pennies and go. Click here to see the Class of 51's April photos.

April 15, 2008:  A response.  Teacher Betty Hendon had a response to her article "Smoke Clouds in my Rear View Mirror".  The response is posted at the bottom of her article which can be found on the Blue and Gray Buzz section of the website.  Thanks for the update Betty.

April 9, 2008:  Note from Webmaster.  Your webmaster will be in the Memphis area from April 9 - 14 to join his classmates at the 1951 get-together on April 12.  Please hold your emails until after April 14.

April 5, 2008:  1952's April Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on April 15 at Piccadilly's on Exeter at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

April 1, 2008:   Class of 1951 April Get-together.  Spring Get-together at the Anderson's.   Jim and Shirley Anderson will again host the Tech 1951's April Get-together at their Germantown home on April 12 at 6 PM.  It is expected that this get-together will become another great Mini-Reunion.  (Note:  Your webmaster will be in Memphis to attend this get-together - so the Alumni Web Site will be 'on hold' from April 9 to 14). 

March 30, 2008:  Another Email Contact for Class of 1979 Bill Tucker, Tech 1979, has volunteered to be another Email Contact for the Class of 1979.  He will join Lenora Fay Eubanks Early who recently became a contact for that class.  Thanks Bill.

March 29, 2008:  Article about Mr. Robert Terrell.  The Memphis Commercial Appeal had a nice article about Mr. Robert Terrell today.  We have added the article to the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section titled:  "Mr. Terrell was big on Education".

March 27, 2008:  New Email contact for Class of 1979 Lenora Fay Eubanks Early, Tech 1979 has agreed to be the Email Contact for the Class of 1979.  She has begun contacting classmates for a planned reunion in 2009.  Thank you Lenora.  (Be sure and let us know when you have the reunion information so we can post it in the REUNIONS section of the website).

March 25, 2008:  Passing of Assistant Principal Robert Terrell.  Email from Lenora Eubanks Early, Tech 1979, has advised us that Tech Assistant Principal Robert Terrell passed away March 24, after surgery while in recovery.  Click here for the Obituary.

March 19, 2008:  Tech Classmates leave messages in the Guest Book.  Since March 3, classmates from the following classes of 1943, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1967, and 1972 have visited the Guest Book and left messages.  Have you checked?  One of the messages may be for you.

March 18, 2008:  Tech Teacher Carolyn Elliott sees a Classmate from 1985.  Email from Carolyn Elliott:  "I was in line at the Airport Post Office last night and was addressed by name by the pretty postal worker.  It was SUSAN BIBBS, Class of 1985 ... and we reminisced a minute about Tech.  I gave her one of the website cards, so maybe she will make contact and tell others".  Thanks Carolyn.  No one from 1985 has ever been in touch with the website.

March 16, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's March "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 20 were present at this month's "Eat-Out". 

March 16, 2008:  New Article in the Blue and Gold Buzz Section.  We came across an interesting article in the 1963 Commercial Appeal about long-time Tech teacher Mary Butler.  Miss Butler taught in the Memphis school district for 56 years - most of those years at Tech.  The article is now posted in the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

March 14, 2008:  Any News?  Anybody?  Doesn't anyone have any news for this page?  The majority of news has been about the early Tech classes from the 40's and 50's.  Are the Tech classes from the 60's, 70's, and 80's doing anything?  No Reunions?  No dinners?  How about an article for the Blue and Gold Buzz section?  Any more "found classmates?"  Any "unforgettable people" from your class?  Anyone traveling?  Did anyone run into an old classmate?  Don't wait for someone else to supply the News.  We urge the CONTACT people from each class to send in ANY news about their class and classmates.    With every Tech class from 1922 to 1987 represented on this website, the news should be overflowing.  We know that at least 50 folks per day are visiting the website.  How about some news from you visitors? 

March 9, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's March Get-together.   Attendance was way down this month due to the late snow in Memphis.  14 were present at last night's monthly Get-together dinner.   Click here to see their March photos.

March 8, 2008:  Late Snow in Memphis.  Memphis had a late snow this March - just when all the Spring flowers had begun to bloom.  We received so many photos from friends in the Memphis area that we've made a photo page of them.  You can see the page in the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section of this website.  The title to click on is "Spring Snow in Memphis".  If others send photos, we'll add them to this page.

March 7, 2008:  Bi-annual Class of 1946 Dinner.  All Techites are invited to the bi-annual Class of 1946 dinner!  The date is Thursday, April 3, 2008 at the Holiday Inn, 3700 Central, Memphis, TN at 6:30 PM.  Great buffet dinner - Cash Bar.  $18 Per Person, includes Tax & Tip.  Dance to the music of the JIM MAHANNAH band.  Everyone is invited but you MUST make a reservation.  Call Russell Willis at 901-272-2222 or email Sue Johnson at  Deadline for reservations is March 31, 2008.

March 2, 2008:  Daylight Savings Time.  Don't forget the time-change on March 9.

March 2, 2008:  1952's March Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on March 15 at Piccadilly's on Exeter at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

March 1, 2008:  Sad News.  We are saddened to report that Tech Historian Rob Jolly's mother passed away February 29.  Click here for the Obituary.  Our condolences to Rob and the Jolly family.

March 1, 2008:  1951's March Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on March 8 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

February 27, 2008:  Death of one of Tech's teachers.   We've learned of the death of one of Tech's teachers,  Leavern O'Mary, who taught Cosmetology in the mid 60's.  She passed away February 18, 2008.  Click here for the obituary.

February 27, 2008:  New Email Contact for Class of 1949  We now have a contact for the class of 1949.  Katherine Brademeyer Crane has agreed to be the contact for her class.  If any 1949 classmates visit the website, please get in touch with Katherine.  Her email address will be on the CONTACT page.  Thanks Katherine.

February 20, 2008:  Attendance at 1952's February "Eat-Out"   Candy Holt Wilkinson, Tech 1952, reports that 19 were present at this month's "Eat-Out". 

February 14, 2008:  Two New Class Contacts (1980, 1981) for website.   Vickie Gaston Scott has volunteered to be the Email Contact for the Class of 1980, and her husband Ronald Scott will be the Email contact for the Class of 1981.  Thank you Vickie and Ronald.  We hope your classmates begin to find the website.

February 13, 2008:  Death of one of Tech's teachers.   We've learned of the death of one of Tech's teachers,  Jesse Ivra, who passed away February 8, 2008.  Click here for the obituary.

February 10, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's February Get-together.   There were 25 present at last night's monthly Get-together dinner.   Click here to see their February photos.

February 10, 2008:  Message from Teacher Sandra Barron Van Velsor.   Teacher Sandra Barron Van Velsor, who taught at Tech from 1966-69 has left a message on the Message Board.  She would love to hear from her students.  Check the Message Board for her email address.

February 6, 2008:  Found:  Three more classmates from 1960.   Joyce Poor Blackford has found three more of 1960's missing classmates:  David Smith - living in Memphis and Pat Sides Smith, David's wife, and Arthur Hasenmeuller - living in MemphisWelcome back David, Pat and Arthur.  We've missed you.

February 6, 2008:  Found:  Two more classmates from 1964.   Dianne Douglass Deming, Tech 1964 has found two more of 1964's missing classmates:  Glen Cooper - living in Southaven MS, and Phil Wells - living in Hendersonville TN.  Welcome back Glen and Phil.  We've missed you.

February 4, 2008:  1951's February Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on February 9 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

February 4, 2008:  1952's February Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on February 16 at Piccadilly's Germantown at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

January 31, 2008:  One of our "Missing" classmates found us.   It's always such a pleasure when someone on the "Missing" list finds us before we find them.  Bob Austin, Tech 1960, checked in on the Message Board today.  Welcome back Bob.  We've missed you.

January 28, 2008:  Found: Another classmate from 1965.   Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960, has found a missing member of the class of 1965, Margaret Gordon Hendrix, living in Corinth MS.  Welcome back Margaret.  We've missed you.

January 22, 2008:  New Contact for the class of 1959.   We now have a contact for the class of 1959.  Mack Hughes has agreed to be the contact for his class.  If any 1959 classmates visit the website, please get in touch with Mack.  His email address will be on the CONTACT page.  Thanks Mack.

January 21, 2008:  28 attend January "Eat Out" for Class of 1952   There were 28 classmates and friends in attendance at the monthly "Eat Out" for the Class of 1952 on January 19 at the Germantown Picadilly Cafeteria. 

January 20, 2008:  New Contact for the class of 1958.   We now have a contact for the class of 1958.  Linda Haynes Baker has agreed to be the contact for her class.  If any 1958 classmates visit the website, please get in touch with Linda.  Her email address will be on the CONTACT page.  Thanks Linda.

January 20, 2008:  Found:  Two more classmates from 1966.   Joan McCommon Channel, Tech 1966 has found two more of 1966's missing classmates:  Patricia Ann Murphy Bricker - living in Atoka TN, and John Edward Straubie - Deceased 12-31-2006.

January 18, 2008:  Ace Cannon, Tech 1952, is honored.  (Thanks Candy Holt Wilkinson for the information)

PRESS RELEASE:  The STATE OF TENNESSEE, House of Representatives 105th General Assembly,honors ACE CANNON
 Following a recent concert in Lexington, TN, Ace Cannon was presented with the Keys to the City of Lexington by Mayor Bobby
Dyer. This was followed with the coveted legislative award from the State of Tennessee.   Representative Steve McDaniel presented Mr. Cannon with the sealed document of the Tennessee House of Representatives’ House Resolution No. 217 which praised his six decades of contributions to the music industry and enumerated his many achievements and concluded with the following:  WHEREAS, artists of Mr. Cannon’s caliber do not often walk among us, nd this Body wishes to pay tribute to this extraordinary musician, entertainer,  and human being; now, therefore, “BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDRED FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, that we hereby honor the inimitable
ACE CANNON, “The Godfather of the Sax,” upon a long and varied career that is truly unparalleled in artistry and achievement. We commend this gifted saxophonist for continuing to make great music and entertain his legion of loyal fans and wish him much continued success in his future endeavors.”  RMD Music, Inc.  Carl Griffin, Ace Cannon's Manager.

January 18, 2008:  Webmaster off line for almost a week.  Your webmaster got a new computer, which promptly crashed his modem.  A new modem was installed and wouldn't connect to the internet, followed by a frustrating 5 days of fighting with Verizon Internet Service Provider in India, Mexico, and Philippines.  UGH!  Happy to be back!

January 18, 2008:  1952's January Eat-Out.  The Class of 1952 will have their MONTHLY "Eat-Out" dinner on January 19 at Piccadilly's Germantown at 6 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

January 18, 2008:  Attendance at 1951's January Get-together.   It was a slow month at 1951's monthly dinner with only 21 Classmates showing up.  Click here to visit their website and see the monthly photos.

January 11, 2008:  Class of 1960-66 "Hamburger Night".  Ed Bell, Tech 1961, has forwarded the following information:  The Reunion Committee and friends will get together January 16 for another "Hamburger Night", at Shriners Temple, 5770 Shelby Oaks Drive, Bartlett.  Gather between 5:30 to 6:00 PM.  $3.00 - all you can eat.  Ice Cream is $2.00 extra.

January 8, 2008:  Found:  Another Classmate from 1957.  Bill Tucker, Tech 1957, has found another of his classmates:  Milton Sherwood living in Collierville.  Welcome back Milton.  We've missed you.

January 7, 2008:  1951 January Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY "Get-together" dinner on January 12 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

January 6, 2008:  Found!  4 classmates from 1957.   Bill Tucker, Tech 1957, has found 4 of 1957s missing classmates:  Ross Bratton living in Memphis, Morgan Briggs living in Pigeon Forge TN, Jimmy Joyner living in Grandbury TX, and Elmer Conrad - Deceased.  Welcome back Ross, Morgan, and Jimmy.  We've missed you.

January 1, 2007:  Death of one of Tech's teachers.   We've learned of the death of one of Tech's teachers,  William Wilheim, who passed away December 30.  Click here for the obituary.


December 30, 2007:  New Photos posted for the Class of 1976   Janice Crawford sent us some photos of their recent "Class of 1976 celebrates the 70's" party.  The photos have now been posted of the 1976 pages.  Thanks Janice.



December 22, 2007:  13 attend Monthly "Eat Out" for Class of 1952   There were 13 classmates and friends in attendance at the monthly "Eat Out" for the Class of 1952 on December 15 at the Germantown Picadilly Cafeteria. 

December 19, 2007:  New Teacher Added.  Marvin Driggers, Tech 1966, wrote and asked us to add the photo of Coach Ray Ford, who "...made winners out of a lot of us and gave us self pride".  Thanks Marvin.  Ray Ford's photo has now been added to the HONORED TEACHER's page. 

December 15, 2007:  Honor for James W. Moore, Tech 1956.  Abingdon Press Announces Prize Honoring James W. Moore.  Abingdon Press, the trade imprint of The United Methodist Publishing House, announced today the creation of the James W. Moore Award for Inspirational Writing.  The award honors longtime Abingdon Press author James W. Moore, whose books have anchored the inspirational category for the Press for twenty years.  Click here for the rest of the article. (Thanks Elaine Brademeyer  McAdams, T'57)

December 14, 2007:  Techite's wife writes a book.   Linda Thomas, wife of Charles Thomas, Tech 1955, has written a book "Cooking for Bob and Dining out with a Jackass".  She is having a book signing December 15, 3:00-7:00 PM at 350 N. Main, Memphis.  Linda was also on Channel 3 with Mary Beth Connelly, December 13, at 9:00 AM.  (Thanks Martin Willis, T'56)

December 14, 2007:  Found!  2 more classmates from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found 2 more of 1969's missing classmates.  His total is now 92 classmates.

December 13, 2007:  Attendance at December dinner for classes 1960-66.   Dianne Deming sends email that 7 classmates attended the December dinner at Three Little Pigs.  Several cancelled due to illness and family commitments.  The next dinner will probably also be scheduled at Three Little Pigs.

December 10, 2007:  Found!  7 more classmates from 1969.   Congratulations to Dave French, Tech 1969 on finding 7 more of 1969's missing classmates.  He's now found 90 classmates out of the total 260.

December 9, 2007:  60 Classmates attend annual Christmas Party for Class of 1951.   There were 60 classmates in attendance at the December Get-together for the Class of 1951 on December 8 at the Olive Branch home of Carl and Ann Kimberlin.  Monthly photos have now been posted on the "Get-together" section of Class of 51's own website.  Click here to visit their website.

December 9, 2007:  Found!  17 more classmates from 1969.   Congratulations to Dave French, Tech 1969 on finding 17 more of 1969's missing classmates.

December 8, 2007:  Found!  A missing classmate from 1963.  Jack Harrell, Tech 1963 has been missing for sometime.  Today he visited this website and left a message on the Guest Book.  Welcome back Jack.  We've missed you.

December 7, 2007:  Found!  Three more Classmates.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found three more missing classmates - 2 from 1969 and 1 from 1967:  Levy Twillie, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis  Sharon Lambe Tallant, Tech 1969 - Deceased, and Jerry Tallant, Tech 1967 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Levy and Jerry.  We've missed you.

December 5, 2007:  Found!  Another Classmate from 1966.  Joan McCommon Channel, Tech 1966 has found another of 1966's missing classmates:  Margaret Egbert Miller - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Margaret.  We've missed you.

December 5, 2007:  Found!  Four more Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found four more of 1969's missing classmates:  Larry Brown - living in Millington TN,  William Egbert - living in Memphis, David Parnell - living in Southaven MS, and Kathy Furrey Owen - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Larry, William, David, and Kathy.  We've missed you.

December 3, 2007:  Reunion photos for Classes of 1976 - 1977.  Janice Crawford, Tech 1976 has sent us some photos of their recent 30th Reunion.  The photos are now posted on the '76 and '77 pages - click on the "New Photos" button.  Thanks Janice.

December 1, 2007:  Reminder - December Dinner, Classes of 1960-66.  The Classes of 1960-66 will have their monthly dinner at the Three Little Pigs, 5145 Quince Rd. Memphis 38117, on December 6.  Phone number 901-685-7094.  Gathering time is between 5:30-6:00, and any Techite is welcome to attend this dutch treat event.  For additional information please contact Dianne Deming at

December 1, 2007:
  December "Eat-Out", Class of 1952  The monthly "Eat Out" for the Class of 1952 will be at the Germantown Piccadilly on December 15,  6 PM.  Dutch Treat.

December 1, 2007:  Annual Christmas Party - Class of 1951Carl and Ann Kimberlin will host the annual Christmas dinner party for the Class of 1951 at their Olive Branch home December 8, at 6 PM. 

November 21, 2007:  Found!  Two more Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found two more missing classmates:  Yvette Morgan Shepherd, Tech 1969 - living in Temple TX, and Gary Payne - Deceased 2003.  ,  Welcome back Yvette.  We've missed you.

November 21, 2007:  Found!  Another Missing Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  Russell Gordon, Tech 1969 - living in Piperton TN,  Welcome back Russell.  We've missed you.


Click here for "View" Card

November 18, 2007:  20 attend Monthly "Eat Out" for Class of 1952   There were 20 classmates in attendance at the monthly "Eat Out" for the Class of 1952 on November 17 at the Germantown Picadilly Cafeteria. 

November 15, 2007:  New Memorial Page to Tech Veterans.   Aaron Hatch, Tech 1966 sent us a lot of updates about various classmates and suggested that we add a page dedicated to those who have served our country.  Thank you Aaron.  A nice Memorial page to all Tech Veterans has now been added and can be found on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

November 15, 2007:  Found!  Another Missing Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  Harold Hill - living in Memphis,  Welcome back Harold.  We've missed you.

November 14, 2007:  Reminder:  Class of 1976 Celebrates the 70's.   The Class of 1976 sponsors Celebrate the 70's on November 17, 2007, 8 PM until midnight.  Central Train Station Boardroom, 545 South Main, Memphis.  Tickets:  $10 - Advance, $15 - at the door.  BYOB or Cash Bar.  Contact Janice Crawford - 901-314-3441 for tickets and information.

November 14, 2007:  Found!  Another Missing Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  Diane Lee Dixon, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis,  Welcome back Diane.  We've missed you.

November 13, 2007:  Found!  More Missing Classmates from 1969 - 1970 - 1971.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found 4 more missing classmates:  Rita Collier Harrell, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis,  Rodger Sexton, Tech 1969 - living in Byron GA, Beverly Palmer Sexton, Tech 1970, and Judy Johnson Vann, Tech 1971 - Deceased .  Welcome back Rita, Rodger, and Beverly.  We've missed you.

November 12, 2007:  Found!  More Missing Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found more missing classmates:  Margo Filla Frazier, Tech 1969 - living in Jacksonville Fl, Susan Hoskins Yoon, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis, Alice Mitchell McKinnie, Tech 1969, and Elaine Berlin Lehmann, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis.    Welcome back Margo, Susan, Alice and Elaine.  We've missed you.

November 10, 2007:  Found!  More Missing Classmates from 1969.  Dave French, Tech 1969 has found more missing classmates:  Phillip Prieb, Tech 1969 - living in Cordova, Mike Neal, Tech 1969 - living in Boise ID, James Lazenby, Tech 1969 - living in Southaven MS, and Glen Lawler, Tech 1969 - deceased.  Welcome back Phillip, Mike, and James.  We've missed you! 

November 9, 2007:  New OBITUARY section for the ALUMNI website.  Rather than mention the passing of our classmates on this NEWS page, we have created a new section of the website, named OBITUARIES.  When ever we are notified of the recent death of a Techite, their name, date of death and obituary will appear on this new section.  In addition, on their regular class pages, the individual's name will be changed to a blue text color.  Click on the "blue" name and the obituary will pop up.  

November 9, 2007:  Reminder: Class of 1960-66's November Dinner.  Larry Comeaux, Tech 1964 sends an email reminder that the "Hamburger Night" is on November 14 at the Shrine Temple on Shelbyoaks Drive from 5-7 PM.  The meal is $3.00 and the ice cream is $2.00.  You can't beat that price.  Since it's just before Thanksgiving, they're planning something special.  Families and children are welcome

November 9, 2007:  Found!  Missing Classmate from 1966   Joyce McCommon Channell, Tech 1966, has found a missing classmate from 1966, Betty Dickinson Brannum - living in Southaven MS.  Welcome back Betty.  We've missed you.

November 9, 2007:  Found!  More Missing Classmates from 1969   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another more missing classmates:  Charles Ayers, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis, Lloyd Towry, Tech 1969 - living in Olive Branch.  Welcome back Charles and Lloyd.  We've missed you! 

November 8, 2007:  A Yearbook for the Class of 1975   With the help of teacher Carolyn Elliott, who located a graduation roster for the Class of 1975, we have been able to begin a yearbook for them.  The photos on their pages are from their junior year.  It will be up to them or their friends to furnish us with a later photo as well as miscellaneous photos to add to their "Memory" page.

November 8, 2007:  Found!  Missing Classmate from 1965   Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960, has found a missing classmate from 1965, Janie White Bray - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Janie.  We've missed you.

November 8, 2007:  Found!  Missing Classmate from 1969    Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  Ronnie Hale, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Ron.  We've missed you!  Congratulations Dave on finding 52 Classmates so far.

November 7, 2007:  November "Eat-Out", Class of 1952.   The monthly "Eat Out" for the Class of 1952 will be at the Germantown Picadilly on November 17, 6 PM.  Dutch Treat.

November 7, 2007:  Found!  5 More Missing Classmates from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found 5 more missing classmates:  Dannie Lee, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis, Louis Tibbs, Tech 1969 - living in Edgewood WA, John Lewis, Tech 1969 - living in Lawrenceville GA,  Beverly Akes Godwin, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis, and Kenneth Collier, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Dannie, Louis, John, Beverly, and Kenneth.  We've missed you!.

November 6, 2007:  Found!  Another Missing Classmate from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  John Guthrie, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis. Welcome back John.  We've missed you!.

November 4, 2007:  Found!  More Missing Classmates from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found more missing classmates:  Baron J. Wilkes, Jr., Tech 1969 - living in Bartlett and Carol van Doesburg-Xiques, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Baron and Carol.  We've missed you!. 

November 3, 2007:  Class of 1975.   This website is beginning a campaign to create a "yearbook" for the Class of 1975, because Principal Bourne cancelled their yearbook.  We'll begin by posting their junior photos of 1974 and adding as many names of the class members as we can research .  If any of the actual 1975 class members will send us another photo taken later, we'll replace the junior photo.  We're also looking for ANY photos of these classmates taken during their Tech years so a "Memory" section can be created.  Send any info or photos to Gene Gill <>

November 3, 2007:  November Get-together Class of 1951.   The Class of '51 had their November Get-together Dinner last night.  42 were in attendance - a rather good showing, considering they've been doing this once a month since 1951.  Photos have been posted on their website.  Click here.

November 3, 2007:  Contact for Class of 1973.   Teresa Howe Elliott, Tech 1973 has been added to the CONTACT page as the contact for the Class of 1973.  Thanks Teresa.

November 2, 2007:  Class of 1976 Celebrates the 70's.   The Class of 1976 sponsors Celebrate the 70's on November 17, 2007, 8 PM until midnight.  Central Train Station Boardroom, 545 South Main, Memphis.  Tickets:  $10 - Advance, $15 - at the door.  BYOB or Cash Bar.  Contact Janice Crawford - 901-314-3441 for tickets and information.

November 1, 2007:  Searching for ANYONE in the Class of 1975.  If you were in the Class of 1975, PLEASE contact Gene Gill, Webmaster of this website.  <>

November 1, 2007:  Class of 51 Website Anniversary.  Today, the Class of 1951's website is 6 years old and has had almost 50,000 visitors (49,932).  <>

October 31, 2007:  November Dinner, Classes 1960-66.  Larry Comeaux, Tech 1964, cooks burgers, hot dogs, chili, etc. at the Al Chymia Shrine Temple in Memphis every Wednesday evening from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.  The cost is around $5 per person.  He invites all Techites to join him - especially on November 14, when members of the classes of 1960-66 will have their November Dinner.  The address for the Shrine Temple is 5770 Shelby Oaks Drive, Memphis 38134.

October 31, 2007:  December Dinner, Classes of 1960-66.  Thursday December 6, the classes of 1960-66 will have their monthly dinner at the Three Little Pigs, 5145 Quince Rd. Memphis 38117.  Phone number 901-685-7094.  Three Little Pigs is owned by Charlie Roberson, Tech 1967 and has great BBQ.  Gathering time is between 5:30-6:00, and any Techite is welcome to attend this dutch treat event.  For additional information please contact Dianne Deming at  


October 31, 2007:

October 30, 2007:  Found!  Another Missing Classmate from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found another missing classmate:  Regina Carol Lee Page, Tech 1969 - living in the West Tennessee Area.  Welcome back Regina.  We've missed you!

October 29, 2007:
  Found!  3 Missing Classmates 1964 and 1966.  Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960 has found  2 missing classmates:  William Cox - Tech 1964 and Carol Van Blake - Tech 1964.  Joan McCommon Channel, Tech 1966 has found William Parker, Tech 1966 - living in Cordova.  Welcome back William, Carol and William.  We've missed you!.

October 29, 2007:  Class of 1951 Monthly Get-together Dinner.  The November Get-together for the Class of 1951 will be one week earlier this month.  It will be hosted by classmate Jim Hood at his Olive Branch, MS home on Friday, November 2.

October 28, 2007:  Found!  13 more Missing Classmates from 1969.   David French, Tech 1969 is going for the 100% success rate in finding the "missing" from 1969.  He has found 9 more:  James Malone - living in Missouri, Randall Stark - living in Southaven MS, Gloria England - living in Washington State, Michael Swain - living in Memphis, Pam Brown, Robert Woodard - living in Senatobia MS, June Blackard Harrison - living in Senatobia MS, James Lambert- living in Walnut MS, Charlotte Carpenter Lambert - living in Walnut MS, Raymond Thompson - living in Memphis, John Bobal - living in Memphis, William Blakemore - Memphis City Fireman, killed in the line of duty, and Herbert Foster - living in Memphis.  Welcome back James, Randall, Gloria, Michael, Pam, Robert, June, James, Charlotte, Raymond, John, and Herbert.  We've missed you!

October 28, 2007:  New Page on the Blue and Gold Buzz.   A humorous, nostalgic recollection illustrated with photos, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section.  It's called: "Do you remember these?"   There's a section where you can suggest or recommend additions to the page.

October 27, 2007:  Found!  A Missing Classmate from 1969.   Dave French, Tech 1969 has found a missing classmate:  Edward Dickerson, Tech 1969 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Edward.  We've missed you!.

October 27, 2007:  Found!  A Missing Classmate from 1960.   Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960 has found a missing classmate:  Sandra McNeese, Tech 1960 - living in Memphis.  Welcome back Sandra.  We've missed you!.

October 26, 2007:  Follow-up on the New Monthly Dinner for Classes of 1960-66   Ed Bell, Tech 1960, reports that 9 classmates were present at their first monthly dinner October 18 at the Steak and Ale.  It's expected that next month, publicity will go out earlier and a larger group will attend, and as classmates become used to a monthly schedule, attendance will go up.

October 26, 2007:  22 attend Monthly Dinner for Class of 1952   There were 22 classmates in attendance at the monthly dinner for the Class of 1952 on October 22 at the Germantown Picadilly Cafeteria.  Monthly photos have now been posted on the Class of 52's separate website.  Click here to visit their website.

October 22, 2007:  New Article about Techite added.  A new article from the Commercial Appeal, about Rev. Brandon Porter, Tech 1976, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.   (Thanks Carolyn Elliott for the information).

October 20, 2007:  New Contact, Class of 1978  Sandra Pate, Tech 1978, has been added to the Email CONTACT page as the contact for her class.

October 17, 2007:  Dan Wilson in need of prayers  Dan Wilson, Class of 1952 has had a heart attack and is in the hospital.  He's doing better and is expected to go home on the 19th.  Please remember Dan in your prayers.  (Thanks Candy Holt, Tech 1952, for the information).

October 17, 2007:  Class of 1952 Monthly "Eat Out"   The Class of 1952 will have it's monthly "Eat Out" October 20 at Germantown Piccadilly Cafeteria.  Dutch Treat.

October 16, 2007:  NEW!!! Classes of 1960-1966 Monthly Dinners   Email from Dianne Deming, class of 1964:  "The 1960-1966 Reunion Committee met for dinner at the Olive Garden last week, and decided to meet for dinner monthly at different places around town, just to socialize. are invited to come hang out at the next one.  It will be on October 18th, at the Steak and Ale on Poplar, about a half block down from Ridgeway.  We will gather between 5:30 and 6:00, and dinner is dutch treat.  Since I don't have email addresses for everyone, please forward to those you think might be interested in attending.  We would love to see you there!  Any questions, please contact me at Work Phone (901) 597-1434, or my cell number is (901)826-4566".

October 15, 2007:  A New Article from Martin J. Bradley, Jr.    Martin J. Bradley, Jr. Tech 1938, has sent us a new article "Techites in India" - another funny "memory" of two Techites "gigging" frogs in India during WW2.  Thanks Buster.  The article is posted on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

October 14, 2007:  Thanks to Elaine Brademeyer McAdams.    Special thanks to Elaine Brademeyer McAdams, Tech 1957.  Four of the 1943 senior photos were torn out of Rob Jolly's yearbook collection when Sue Lee scanned them.  Elaine scanned the missing photos from her husband's yearbook and they've now been added to complete the 1943 class section.

October 12, 2007:  More thanks to Glynn Raby.    More thanks are due Glynn Raby, Tech 1942.  Two of the 1942 senior photos were torn out of Rob Jolly's yearbook collection when Sue Lee scanned them.  Glynn scanned the missing photos from his yearbook and they've now been added to complete the 1942 class section.

October 11, 2007:  Thanks to Glynn Raby.    Sincere thanks to Glynn Raby, Tech 1942 who has updated EVERY yearbook photo on the Class of '42s pages, with all known vital statistics.  In addition he has sent us group photos of various Reunions for this class.  All this information will become part of the 1942 web pages in the next couple of days.

October 6, 2007: Raymond Hyde, Tech 1969.    An email from David French reports that Raymond Hyde, Class of 1969, has died after an auto accident on October 2.  The obituary will appear by clicking on Hyde's name at his photo on the 1969 pages.

October 5, 2007:  Rawley Cain on the sick list.    An email reports that Rawley Cain, Tech 1957, had a heart attack October 4 and now has 3 new stints to prove it.  If the echo reading is satisfactory, he may be able to go home today or tomorrow.  He's in Baptist DeSoto Hospital.  Please keep Rawley in your prayers.

October 4, 2007:  Fred William Laughlin, Tech 1935.    The Commercial Appeal announced the death of Techite Fred William Laughlin, Tech 1935, on October 2.  Laughlin was 90 years old.  The obituary will appear by clicking on his name at his photo on the 1935 pages.

October 1, 2007:  William B. Walton Dies.    The Commercial Appeal announced the death of Techite William B. Walton, the co-founder of the Holiday Inn.  87 year old Walton died of congestive heart failure.  Click here for the obituary.

September 29, 2007:  A New Article from Martin J. Bradley, Jr.    Martin J. Bradley, Jr. Tech 1938, has sent us another article "Tech vs Central 1935" - a funny "memory" of two of the classic games between these old rivals.  Thanks Buster.  The article is posted on the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.

September 29, 2007:  Happy 88th Birthday Charles A. French.  Charles A. French, Jr., Tech Class of 1938, celebrates his 88th birthday today.  His brother Speed,  graduated from Tech Class of 1939 and passed away in 1978.  Charles has 2 sons who are Tech graduates; David French, Class of 1969 and Chuck French, Class of 1970.  Charles was in the first graduation class at William R. Moore College of Technology (Located next to Tech High School) which began classes in January of 1939.  Happy Birthday Charles! 

September 28, 2007:
  New article on Blue and Gold Buzz section.  A heartwarming article that appeared in the Memphis Commercial about Marvin Richardson, Tech '51, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.  Click on "Scouts Honor - Marvin Richardson"

September 26, 2007:  Thanks Dave French.  Dave French, Tech 1969, is currently assisting this website by identifying additional Gold Star Techites (Those who were killed in Action in WW2).

September 24, 2007:  Did you know?  From a 1923 Crockett Technician newspaper:  A new Chemistry lab was added this year at a cost of $10,000.  It will hold 128 students and is the most up-to-date lab in Dixie.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 21, 2007:  55th Reunion.  Congratulations to the Class of 1952 on their 55th Anniversary.  Classmates from all over the U.S. came together to join in the celebration.  Photos have been added to 1952's web pages.  Click on "New Photos" button. 

September 20, 2007:  New Teacher Added.  Dave French, Class of 1969, wrote and asked us to add the photo of teacher BILL GIBSON, who was " of the finest human beings to pass through the gates of Tech and a teacher who truly cared about his students and a coach who inspired and trained his players".  Thanks Dave.  His photo has been added to the TEACHER's page.  We hope to hear from your father (1938) and your brother (1970).

September 19, 2007:  Did you know?  From the Tech Daily News Paper October 11, 1928:  Miss Effie Wright selects the design of the Class Rings and Pins for the Senior Class each year.  Rings are $7 and Pins are $5.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 17, 2007:  Classmate in Hospital.   Ed Bell, Class of 1961, complained of chest pains last week and was admitted to the hospital.  Quadruple bypass surgery followed.  Ed's wife Pam requests no food and hold the phone calls for awhile - but certainly, send those notes, cards, and letters.  220 Egerton LN - Germantown TN 38138.   (Thanks Joyce Poor Blackford Tech 1960 for the information).

September 15, 2007:  New Photos Class of 1946.  The Class of 1946 had their twice-annual dinner last night and enjoyed a great turnout of over 95 classmates and friends.  Photos have now been posted on the 1946 Pages of this website.  When the 1946 page opens, Click on "NEW PHOTOS".   (Thanks Sue Lee Johnson Tech 1951 for the information).

September 13, 2007:  Did you know?  From the Tech Daily News Paper April 23, 1928:  The space in the rear of the shop building is reserved space for members of the faculty.  In the future students must not park their cars in it.  Cars parked there, other than cars belonging to members of the faculty will be pushed into the street.  By order of J. L. Highsaw, Principal.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 12, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Wayne Russell, Tech's "Most Talented in 1967" is a Memphis artist who's also an accomplished professional musician?  Wayne formed a local band in the 1970s with his brother Michael, Class of 1969, and his wife Rebecca "Reba" Russell.  The group is now known as the "Reba Russell Band" and they've played locally and internationally.  (Thanks Carolyn Elliot, Tech Teacher, for the information).

September 11, 2007:  Norman Brewer, Tech 1952.  Monday night Channel 3 held a City of Memphis mayoral debate,  and Tech grad Norman Brewer was one of two journalists who posed the questions to the candidates.   (Thanks Carolyn Elliot, Tech Teacher, for the information).

September 10, 2007:  Class Anniversaries in 2008.  The following Tech Classes have anniversaries in 2008:  Class of 1983 - 25th, Class of 1978 - 30th, Class of 1973 - 35th, Class of 1968 - 40th, Class of 1963 - 45th, Class of 1958 - 50th, Class of 1953 - 55th, Class of 1948 - 60th, Class of 1943 - 65th, Class of 1942 - 66th, Class of 1941 - 67th, Class of 1940 - 68th, Class of 1939 - 69th, Class of 1938 - 70th.  At this time, only the Class of 1948 has announced plans for their 60th Reunion next year.  See Reunions Section of the website.

September 7, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Effie Wright, longtime Assistant Principal, started her career in 1911, as an aid teacher in St. Paul's School at the salary of $20 a month?  Miss Wright was President of the Professional Women's Club, attended First Methodist Church, and did USO work during WW2.  She was born in a house at 2nd and Exchange and lived on Tutweiler until her death.  And Miss Wright loved farming, growing fruit, flower gardening and raising chickens.    (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 6, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Charles Miller, Tech 1960, a well-known Memphis artist, painted the murals on the walls of Leonard's on Fox Plaza?   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 5, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Miss Effie Wright, longtime Assistant Principal of Tech, was awarded membership on the All Memphis Football Team in March of 1936?  She didn't miss a Tech football game for 17 years and only then because of a serious auto accident.  Miss Wright was also given a commission as honorary Colonel in the ROTC.  And this was long before the "women's liberation movement".  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 4, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Tech was the first high school in Memphis?  The school building at 317 Poplar was called the "Castle", and it was built in 1898.  It was named the Old Memphis High School and later became Crockett Technical High School .  When the new Tech opened, the "castle" became the Board of Education, until it was demolished in 1965.  During the demolition, a copper box cornerstone was found.  The following items were in the cornerstone box:  (1) A small bottle of whiskey that had its cork eaten away.  Everything in the box had a nice whiskey aroma to it.  (2) Faculty Mementos, (3) Board of Education Mementos, (4) Signatures of all pupils in the school in 1898.  Note:  They actually found one of the students, well over 90, and gave her the paper with her signature back, (5)  Samples of student school work, (6) Old Newspapers, (7) A Confederate flag, (8) A U.S. flag, and (9) Confederate money.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 3, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Tech High closed its doors in 1987, after 59 years at the last location?  A senior class of only 60 students walked across the stage after planting a new Maple tree among all the older trees that other classes had planted throughout the years.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

September 2, 2007:  Tech Memorabilia additions.  Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, writes that Bill Johnson, Tech 1951, has secured several new items for the Tech Memorabilia collection.  Bill contacted Clarence Watson, Tech 1945 which led to the addition of an Athletic jacket from 1945, a Band letter, a Baseball letter, and an Honor Society pin.  These items will be displayed at all future reunions that request the collection.  Thanks Bill and Clarence.  Rob has also been in touch with the Tech faculty, asking them what they have been doing since leaving Tech.  The results are posted at the bottom of the TEACHERS page.

September 1, 2007:  Tech Dinner at Piccadilly's.  Tech High Graduates from the 50's hold a  dinner 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) at Piccadilly's Cafeteria, 5272 Mt. Moriah View.  The current quarter's (Dutch Treat) dinner will be September 4 at 5:30 PM.  All graduates from the 50's are invited.  This group's next quarterly dinner will be on December 4.

September 1, 2007:  1951 Monthly Dinner.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY Get-together dinner on September 8 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd. , 5:30 PM.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

September 1, 2007:  1946 Dinner.  The Class of 1946 will hold their twice-yearly dinner on September 14, 2007, at the Holiday Inn, 3700 Central, Memphis.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of class, but you must RSVP to Ruby Lambert, (901) 685-0744.  Dinner is a Dutch-treat buffet, $18 per person, which includes tax and tip.  Cash Bar.

September 1, 2007:  1952 Reunion.  Reminder:  The Class of 1952's 55th Reunion is September 21 and 22.  So far over 90 classmates have confirmed.  If you plan to attend PLEASE let Bill Lloyd know because the number must be finalized by September 8. 

September 1, 2007:  Reunion News.  The Class of 1948 has updated their 60th Reunion Information for 2008.  They're now inviting the Class of 1947.  Check the REUNIONS section of the website for the rest of the information.

August 31, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that in 1918 Tech had its first football team?  Gilbert Schloss, the coach of the Memphis University School, also coached the Tech team.  It was one of the only times that the same man coached both teams on the field.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 30, 2007:  Sad News.  We have just been notified of the death of Ruby Neal Fine Shook, Tech 1949, on August 28, 2007.  Our condolences to the Shook family.  Click here for the obituary. (Candy Holt Wilkinson, T/52)

August 30, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that after retiring as Principal of Tech in 1975, W. A. Bourne ran for the City School Board?  He lost!   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 29, 2007:  Did you know?  More from the 1974 Faculty Handbook.  "When time permits, talk to the students about the care of the school facilities, books, equipment, and other materials; neatness and good taste in dress; conduct in the halls, cafeteria, on-campus, off campus, and proper decorum in general.  The homeroom period can be used effectively to instill in boys and girls high standards of moral conduct and ethical living; to correlate the principles of education with democratic behavior and intelligent citizenship.  And then teach them nouns and pronouns..."  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 28, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that from 1975 to 1978 Tech had its own $750,000 dollar television station - WQOX-TV?  Programing was from 8 AM to 4:30 PM with students handling all the programs and behind the scenes.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 27, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the University of Tennessee "borrowed" Principal Highsaw in 1918 to coach it's Debate Team?  A contest between Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida was held that same year and Tennessee won first place in all debates.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 26, 2007:  Did you know?  1974 Faculty Handbook for Tech High.  "The following deductions shall be made from teachers' salaries for absence:  For Personal illness - $6.00 per day.  For illness in the immediate family - $6.00 per day.  For a death in the immediate family - $6.00 per day."  [Makes you wonder why anyone would go into teaching]   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 25, 2007:  Class of 1946 Dinner.  The Class of 1946 will hold their annual twice-yearly dinner on September 14, 2007, at the Holiday Inn, 3700 Central, Memphis.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of class, but you must RSVP to Ruby Lambert, (901) 685-0744.  Dinner is a Dutch-treat buffet, $18 per person, which includes tax and tip.  Cash Bar.

August 24, 2007:  In Memoriam  A new page has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section - a Memorial to all the Tech students and teachers who are no longer living.

August 23, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that W. A. Bourne, the 2nd Principal of Tech, held a Masters Degree from the University of Tennessee and a BS Degree from Union University.  He had been a Mathematics teacher and principal at the Tech High Evening School before accepting the reigns from Professor Highsaw.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 22, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Tech was the first school in Memphis to have an ROTC unit and the first school to teach Chinese as a language?  These two events occurred almost 50 years apart.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 21, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that in 1923 the Memphis Board of Education requested a bond issue of 1 million dollars to build the new Tech High School?  They had outgrown the old building with an attendance of 1300 day students and 350 night students.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 18, 2007:  Message on the Guest Book:  Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960, has left a message on the Guest Book that should read by everyone who visit this web site.  "I would love for everyone who visits this site to PLEASE go to the Missing Classmates page, and help us find these people. We have found a few already, but unfortunately it was after they were Deceased. I want to find them ALL before that happens, so we can share our lives and memories. My one dream is to reunite with my best friend at Tech-Betty Strickland. If you do not know where these people are now, maybe you know where they were, or who they worked for, at some time, and we can go from there. Any help is appreciated. It took almost 40 years for someone to find me, and I am SO Very grateful. Thanks in advance, for all of your help".

August 16, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Principal Highsaw organized the Tech High ROTC in 1918 just before the close of WW1.  The ROTC unit had 88 boys and the uniforms were made by the boys themselves because of shortages due to the war.  They wore white trousers, blue coats, brass buttons, blue caps and their wooden rifles were made in the Tech shops.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 14, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that in 1955, Tech had 2 "Ham" stations?  W4EPQ.  There were 2 transmitters - one 650 watts and the other 1 kilowatt.  And the school had 5 licensed operators.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 12, 2007:  Tech "Fight Song"  The Tech "Fight Song" with music, has been added to the Blue and Gold Buzz section of the website.  How many of you really remember the words?

August 11, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Miss Effie Wright was voted the most popular teacher in the entire school in 1923?  She had received the same honor in 1922.  Miss Wright came to Crockett Tech High in 1919.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 10, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Principal Highsaw had only one year of college before going to Pecan Gap, Texas to teach in a one-room schoolhouse?  He later returned to college and earned 3 degrees, from University of Oklahoma, from University of Wisconsin, and from Memphis University of Law.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 8, 2007:  New Photos, Class of 1940's 67th Reunion.  William "Mac" McCluskey has sent us some photos from his recent Class of 1940's 67th Reunion.  You're all looking good Mac.  Thanks for sending the photos.  They're now posted on the Class of 1940's section (Click on the NEW PHOTOS button).

August 6, 2007:  Did you know?  Item in the Yellow Jacket News 1967.  Did you know that George Piaggio's art students have painted Christmas scenes on the windows of the Goodfellows building every year since 1937?   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 5, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that a Yellow Jacket survey taken 6 months after graduation, found that of all 1967 graduates:  38 were in college, 29 were married, 16 were in the armed service, 3 were in nursing, 39 were working, 9 were in further training to work, 1 was in art school, and 3 were unemployed-looking for work?   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 4, 2007:  New Section of Web Site.  Help us find all of our missing classmates!  A new section has been added to the web site:  MISSING CLASSMATES.  Any class representative/contact can send in their list of missing classmates to be posted on this page.  (This new section replaces the HISTORY of TECH section - which has been moved to the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ page).   (Thanks to Joyce Poor Blackford, Tech 1960, for the suggestion).

August 3, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that on the top margin of every Yellow Jacket newspaper appeared Tech's motto - "Ad Astra Per Aspera"?  The translation from the Latin is "To the stars with trial and error, or with difficulty".   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

August 2, 2007:  Reminder 1952 Reunion.  The Class of 1952's 55th Reunion will be this September 21 and 22.  At this time, 75 classmates have confirmed.  Full details are posted on  the TECH REUNIONS section of this web site and on the Class of 1952's web site.

August 2, 2007:  New 2007 Reunion Photos.   Some new photos of the July 14 Reunion Mixer have been posted on the classes of 1960-1966 pages.

August 1, 2007:  1951 Get-together.  The Class of 1951 will have their MONTHLY dinner on August 11 at Perkins Restaurant, 1340 S. Germantown Rd.  Any Techite is welcome to attend this Dutch-treat dinner.

July 31, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that by 1949, Tech had met arch rival Central 30 times on the football field?  And that Principal Highsaw had attended all 30 games?  Art Teacher Mike Apt missed only 2?  The record at that time was Central 15 wins, Tech 11 wins and 3 ties.  This night Tech added another win with a score of 12 to 7, with over 20,000 people in attendance.   (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

July 29, 2007:  Do you know?  Do you know the seating capacity of the Tech High Auditorium?  The answer is 1190 seats.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

July 28, 2007:  Long-time Tech staff member retires.  Last night a retirement dinner was held for Lorine Breathett-Smith, who worked as attendance and later financial and records secretary from 1973 through the closing of Tech and stayed on until now in the new program.  Former students will remember her with affection.  (Thanks to Carolyn Elliot, for the information).

July 28, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that a Tech team won Quiz'em on the Air in 1954 beating the team from Southside?  The Techites on the team were Tommy Seaman (T'54), Barbara Clifton (T'55), Robert Ashton (T'55), and Charles Hargrove (T'54). (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

July 27, 2007:  Did you know?  Do you know when additions were added to the original Tech building?  1.  An addition was built in 1951 with 9 classrooms at a cost of $253,961.  2.  A second gymnasium and several other rooms were added in 1962 at a cost of $272,812.  3.  A Vocational Tech building was added in 1976 at a cost of $758,553.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

July 26, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that ANN POLK, Tech 1973, was crowned Miss Black Memphis in 1975.  (Thanks Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, for the information).

July 24, 2007:  New Articles.   A couple of new articles have been posted on the BLUE and GOLD BUZZ section of the web site.

July 21, 2007:  BIRTHDAY.   Happy Birthday to Techite Kay Starr who celebrates her 85th birthday today.

July 15, 2007:  Reunion 1960-66   Diane Douglass Deming, Tech 1964, reports that about 120 were in attendance at last night's casual mixer "...and had a ball".  Diane has been added to the CONTACT page of this web site as the contact for the class of 1964. 

July 15, 2007:  Reminder 1952 Reunion.   The Class of 1952's 55th Reunion will be this September 21 and 22.  So far 45 classmates have confirmed.  Full details are posted on  the TECH REUNIONS section of this web site.

July 14, 2007:  Jungle Jim Bradley.   Martin J. Bradley Jr, Tech 1938, has sent us a story, which contains the "truth" about how his father, long-time Tech teacher Martin Bradley, got the name "Jungle Jim".  It's posted on the BLUE AND GOLD BUZZ section.  Thanks Brad.  I always wondered about that name.

July 14, 2007:  The Integration of Tech.  Carolyn Elliott, Tech teacher 1963-1987, has sent us a "memory" of the integration of Tech.  Her article is posted on the BLUE AND GOLD BUZZ section.

July 14, 2007:  "Smoke Clouds..."  Betty Hendon, Tech teacher 1960-68, has sent us an excerpt from her book The Bridge, describing her thoughts and experiences immediately following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis.  Her article is posted on the BLUE AND GOLD BUZZ section.

July 13, 2007:  1960-66 Reunion Reminder  The Class of 1960-1966's Casual Reunion Mixer is July 14.  Click here for details.

July 12, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that WHEATON ENNIS, Tech 1938, continues to sing and play banjo with a Memphis group called "The Steamboat Strummers"? (Thanks Mac McClusky, Tech1940, for the information)

July 10, 2007:  Techites from 1941 and 1938.  There is a message in the Guest Book from Lillian Bradley Laws, Tech 1941, the daughter of long-time Tech woodshop teacher James "Jungle Jim" Bradley.  And we also received email from Lillian's brother Martin J. Bradley, Tech 1938.  He's writing a "life history" which includes stories about his years at Tech and especially about his father and principal Highsaw.  He's promised to share some stories with this website.  A lot of guys will remember their father with much fondness because he taught Woodshop at Tech for 30 years.  Girls couldn't take Woodshop in those days. 

July 7, 2007:  No News?  Unless you send news items or information to the website, there's nothing to report on this page.  This entry is just to let you know that the page is still "alive".

June 28, 2007:  New Menu Items  The NEWS-GOSSIP page has been renamed the YELLOWJACKET NEWS.  A new section has also been added to the menu:  BLUE AND GOLD BUZZ.  This will essentially be a "catch all" section for anything that doesn't fit into one of the other categories of the web site.  Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson for suggesting the new names.

June 27, 2007:  Class of 1940 Celebrates 67th Reunion  There is a message on the Guest Book from William McCluskey, Tech 1940, who has just returned from the 67th Reunion of the Tech Class of 1940.  Congratulations!

June 27, 2007:  More Teacher's Added  The teachers for each Tech Class have now been added to that class's MEMORIES page. 

June 23, 2007:  1955 Reunion Photo  Ruth Hage St. Peter has sent the Class of 1955 Group Photo from their recent reunion.  It has been posted on the 1955 "New Photos" page.

June 22, 2007:  Reunion News  Details about the Class of 1960-1966's Casual Reunion Mixer on July 14 have just been posted on the REUNION section of the website...or click here for immediate details.

June 22, 2007:  Teacher's Page  We originally planned to put photos of every Tech teacher on this page.  It soon became obvious that this was not practical because after 1960 the turnover of teachers averaged 41% - with some only staying a year or two.  Thus there have been over 500 teachers at the school - the majority of them after 1960.  So the alternative was to make the teacher's page "By recommendation"  Currently the page now honors those "dedicated, long-time teachers and staff members, along with some more recent favorite teachers".  If your favorite teacher is not represented send email to the webmaster with the name of the teacher (and year) and their photo will be added.   

June 22, 2007: 
Did you know?  Did you know that THOMAS NEELEY,  Class of 1952, JAN CRAIG, Class of 1953, and ED BOUSSON, Class of 1948, all became teachers and returned to Tech to teach and coach.

June 19, 2007:  New Photos. Joyce Poor Blackford has sent Reunion photos for the Classes of 1960 thru 1966 and they have been added to their class pages.  Thanks Joyce.

June 17, 2007:  Your Tech Memorabilia? Rob Jolly asks all Techites to PLEASE remember his Tech Collection whenever they come across their old Tech Memorabilia.  He would love to add your memorabilia to his collection - that is, ANYTHING related to Tech.

June 14, 2007:  A new Record of Tech Relatives? Joe Lyle, you lose.  Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, beat you by 8 relatives.  Cousin Fritz Jolly 1941, Cousin John Jolly 1944, Father Robert Jolly 1948, Uncle Ernest Jolly 1954, Uncle Bill Ham 1956, Aunt Betsy Jolly Ham 1956.  Uncle Pete Cunningham 1961.  Uncle Jack Hedgepeth 1961, Aunt Doris Jolly Hedgepeth 1962, Aunt Rose Jolly Cunningham 1963, Sister Sandra Jolly Siegrist 1968.  Himself 1970.  Brother Michael Jolly 1973.  Aunt Ruthie Jolly Dolan 1972.  Because he had so many relatives who attended Tech is one of the reasons Rob began collecting Tech Memorabilia.  Can anyone top Rob's record of 14 relatives?

June 13, 2007:  Record Number of Family Members attending Tech? Joe Lyle, Tech 1950, thinks he may have the record for the number of family members who attended Tech.  Himself, 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and his wife - 1934, '37, '40, '47, '50, and '51.  Can anyone beat his record?

June 12, 2007:  Free Note Cards.  You can now download FREE, 15 different note cards featuring beautiful photos of Tech.  Click on "Free Tech Note Cards" on the main menu.  Please follow the printing instructions.

June 11, 2007:  New 1967-1973 Contact.  Rob Jolly, Tech 1970, has been added to the CONTACT page as the contact for the classes of 1967 thru 1973.

June 10, 2007:  New Section.  A new section has been added to the website featuring the "Teachers" at Tech.  We are asking everyone to send in any pictures of teachers who are missing from this section.  Send photos to

June 10, 2007:  All Senior Photos have been added.  Today, you will be able to find the graduation photo of any person who graduated from Tech High School - from 1922 to 1987. 

June 9, 2007:  New Rosters Today.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1972, 1973, and 1982.

June 8, 2007:  New Rosters Today.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1926, 1927 and 1932.

June 7, 2007:  Unsolicited photos are welcome!  Your webmaster is more than happy to post your photos to the "MEMORIES" page or "NEW PHOTOS" page of your class year.  When dealing with so many years, there's just not time for him to track down the information that may be needed to identify the photos you've sent.  Thus, if your photos don't get posted within a couple of days after you have sent them in, it's simply because you didn't identify them.

June 7, 2007:  New Rosters Today.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1979 and 1933 and 1928.

June 7, 2007:  Class Reunions.  The class of 1957 will celebrate it's 50th Reunion this weekend, and will be joined by the classes of 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959.  See the TECH REUNION section for details.  If anyone from these classes will send us photos of the reunion, we'll make a photo page for your class.

June 6, 2007:  New Rosters Today.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1974 and 1969.

June 5, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that ROY C. NIXON,  Class of 1952, served Shelby County as Sheriff from 1971-1975.  On January 1, 1976, Roy C. Nixon, Jr., became the First Mayor of Shelby County.  (Thanks Candy Holt Wilkinson, T'1952)

June 5. 2007:  New Rosters Today.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1934 and 1935.

June 4, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Classes of 1937 and 1931.

June 3, 2007:  New 1960-66 Contact.  Betty Joyce Poor Blackford has been added to the Contact Page as a contact for the Classes of 1960 - 1966

June 3, 2007:  Informal Get-together 1960-66.  For anyone interested, there will be an informal get together for the classes of 1960-1966 on July 14th.  Contact Betty Joyce Poor Blackford for more information.

June 3, 2007:  New Roster.  Senior Yearbook Photos have now been added for the Class of 1929.

June 2, 2007: 
Did you know?  Did you know that DON NIX,  record producer and songwriter, was a Techite?  Don was instrumental in the creation of the "Memphis Sound" and Stax Records.

June 2, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1959, 1930, and 1936.

June 1, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the CLASS OF 1946 has held a dinner every March and September since their graduation.  It's open to all Techites who wish to attend.

June 1, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1958, 1923, and 1925 (well worth a visit even if you don't know anyone in the class).

May 31, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that BOB LEWIS, former director of programming at Memphis WHBQ is a graduate of Tech?

May 31, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1971, 1954 and 1957.  

May 30, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that AUBREY EPPS, Tech 1933, major league baseball player, is a graduate of Tech?

May 29, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that William B. Walton, the co-founder of Holiday Inns, is a graduate of Tech?  He also wrote "Innkeeper" with Mel Lorentzen.

May 29, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1938 , 1965 and 1966. 

May 28, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that TV Journalist NORMAN BREWER, Tech 1952, is a gratuate of Tech?  For many years he was a newscaster at Memphis Channel 5 and now does Commentary for Memphis Channel 3.

May 28, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Class of 1939.

May 27, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Memphis Business Leaders DENBY BRANDON, Tech 1945,  and RON TERRY also were graduates of Tech?

May 27, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1941 and 1952. 

May 26, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the first Maid of Cotton was Alice Hall, from the Tech Class of 1939?  The Maid of Cotton competition was conducted in every "cotton growing" state and the Maid had a prominent part during Cotton Carnival season in Memphis.  The rest of the year she traveled all over the world and promoted cotton.

May 26, 2007:  New Roster.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Class of 1946  This is the last  of  the WW2 years at Tech and the pages are "special".

May 25, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the Class of 1951 has met monthly for Dutch-treat dinners since graduation in 1951?   The get-togethers are on the 2nd Saturday of every month and from 6 to 35 classmates always show up.

May 25, 2007:  New Roster.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Class of 1945  This is another of  the WW2 years at Tech and the pages are "special".

May 24, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the Class of 1950 has accounted for EVERY classmate on their graduation roster?  Do you know what a MAJOR accomplishment that is?  Super-sleuth DON HILD (T'50) is responsible for this great detective work.

May 24 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Class of 1943 and later today the Class of 1944.  These are  the WW2 years at Tech and the pages will be "special".

May 22, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite BILL CRUMBY became a Chief Inspector for the Memphis Police Department?

May 22 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1981 and later today the Class of 1942.

May 21, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite BOB CHEEVERS is a Grammy winning songwriter from Memphis?

May 21 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1940 and 1960.

May 20, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite BOBBY BRAGAN was a former short stop, catcher, manager and coach in Major League baseball?

May 20, 2007:  New Roster.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classe of 1963.

May 19 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that RAYMOND GODMAN, Tech '49, was a very successful stock car driver in the 50's?  He participated in the first NHRA Nationals and has 3 national titles.  Ray was inducted into the International Drag Racing Hall of Fame in 1984.

May 19, 2007:  New Rosters.  Senior Yearbook photos have now been added for the Classes of 1970 and 1964 is partially complete.

May 18 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that BOB CHEEVERS, an Emmy and Grammy winning songwriter, graduated from Tech?

May 18, 2007:  Carolyn Elliott - Teacher.  One of the last teachers at Tech, Carolyn Elliott, has sent us some more names for our "Did you know...?" series.  Thanks Carolyn.

May 18, 2007:  New Rosters/Photos.  Senior Yearbook photos have been added for the Classes of 1962 and 1980 and 1922 (They are classic).

May 17 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that politician CLAUDE ARMOUR graduated from Crockett Technical?

May 17, 2007:  Class of 1962.  Virginia Brown Clingan (T'64) has sent us the Yearbook photos for the Class of 1962.  They'll be posted shortly.  Thanks Virginia.

May 15 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know NULL ADAMS,  prominent newspaperman and founder of the Quill and Scroll, was a graduate from Crockett Technical?

May 15, 2007:  2 New Class Rosters.  New yearbook photos have been added for the classes of 1984 and 1983.

May 14, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite EARLY MAXWELL, Tech 1923, entertainment entrepreneur, who was responsible for bringing major shows and talent to Memphis, graduated from Crockett Technical High?

May 14, 2007:  3 New Class Rosters.  New yearbook photos have been added for the classes of 1987, 1986, and 1985.

May 13, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite JAMES C. MACDONALD became Memphis Chief of Police?

May 13, 2007:  Class Rosters.  Every year from 1918 to 1987 has been added to the Class Rosters and Photos section of the website.  Some years are not "clickable" yet because Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, is still scanning the photos.  Check back often because new class photos will be added daily.  We're starting at 1987 and working backwards.

May 12, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that FREDERICK REGENOLD, Tech 1949, after a successful career in banking, has had 4 novels published in the last 6 years?

May 11, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that CLIFFORD POLAND, Tech 1931, underwater photographer responsible for the "Flipper" Movie/TV series, graduated from Tech.

May 11, 2007:  Yearbooks.  In our quest to include photos from EVERY Tech Yearbook, we've learned that there is no yearbook for 1975 because Principal Bourne cancelled it due to lack of sales.  And apparently no collector has a copy of the 1924 Yearbook.  Better check your attic and storage boxes for that one.

May 10, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE is a four-time Grammy nominee and one of the first white blues players to master the Chicago Harp style?

May 10, 2007:  Yearbook Senior Photos.  Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, is making arrangements to borrow ALL the yearbooks that we don't have on this site.  Then she will scan the senior photos for us.  That is a MAJOR job and we sincerely appreciate all that Sue does.

May 10, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that artist BURTON CALLICOTT,  Tech 1926, who painted the murals at the Pink Palace, was a Tech graduate?.  He became a well known and highly respected painter and teacher, who chose to remain in Memphis.  Had he re-located to New York there's no doubt he would have become an important figure in world art.

May 10, 2007:  Class of 1940.  A page has been added for the Class of 1940.

May 9, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that CURTIS PERSON, Tech 1933, has won more than 75 senior golf championships?

May 9, 2007:  We'd like to know.  We'd like to know about your classmates who have left their mark on the world of Art, Music, Sports, Theatre, Politics, Business, etc.  so that we can add them to our "Did you know?" list.

May 9, 2007:  Class of 1967.  Thanks to Ruth Sanders Morgan, Tech 1968, for scanning the Senior Yearbook photos for the class of 1967.  They are now posted on the Class of 1967 web pages.

May 8, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that beauty queen DORIS BOWDEN, who starred in the 1940 movie The Grapes of Wrath was a Techite?  Doris married the famous producer/screenwriter Nunnally Johnson and retired to raise a family.

May 8, 2007:  Class of 1967.  Ruth Sanders Morgan, Tech 1968 has found her 1967 yearbook and will scan the senior photos for us.  Thanks Ruth.

May 7, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that Techite TRAVIS WAMMACK, is known as the "fastest guitar player in the south" and plays the guitar at close to the speed of light?  Travis is considered one of the greatest guitarists of rock and roll and made his first recording at the age of 11.

May 6, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that GENE BEARDEN, left-handed major league pitcher, was a Techite and pitched the winning World Series game for the Cleveland Indians in 1948.

May 6, 2007:  Class of 1970, 1971 and 1972.  Pages and beginning rosters have now been added for the classes of 1970, 1971 and 1972.  We hope someone in these classes will volunteer to scan the senior yearbook photos for us.

May 5, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that BETH MILLER, Tech '48, starred in The Solid Gold Cadillac on Broadway in the 50's?  Beth sang and danced and was in many Broadway shows as well as on tour in the 50's and 60's.

May 5, 2007:  Google Search.  This new website is already coming up number one whenever someone types in the search term "memphis tech high". 

May 5, 2007:  Class of 1969 and 1973.  Pages and beginning rosters have been added for the classes of 1969 and 1973.  We hope someone in these classes will volunteer to scan the senior yearbook photos for us.

May 5, 2007:  Class of 1967 Photos.  Betty Brown Ward (Tech 1967) will scan the senior Yearbook Photos for the Class of 1967.  Thanks Betty.

May 4, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that prominent artist Thornton UTZ, Tech 1933, was a Tech graduate and and was chosen to paint the portraits of Roselyn and Amy Carter when they lived in the White House?  He also painted 50 covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

May 4, 2007:  Class of 1968 Photos.  Senior Photos have now been added to the class of 1968 pages.  Thanks to Donna and Phil Murphy for scanning the photos.

May 3, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that ACE CANNON, Tech '52, the "Godfather of Sax" started his career in Memphis, originally recording for Sun Records.  Ace is still very active - and will play at his 55th High School Reunion this September 22nd.

May 3, 2007:  Class of 1967.  A page has been added for a "beginning roster" for the Class of 1967.  There are only 3 names now.  We're hoping that someone from the 1967 Class will come forward and volunteer to add the rest of the names or volunteer to scan the senior yearbook photos for us.

May 2, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that JAMES AUTRY Tech '51, was Editor of Better Homes and Gardens and since 1983 has had 10 books published - two of which are poetry?  He has also been elected to the University of Mississippi Hall of Fame.

May 2, 2007:  Classes of '43 and '44  Email from Elaine Brademeyer McAdams, Tech '57, contained some welcome photos of some Techites from 1943 and 1944 - who are "...still kicking".  The photos have now been posted on the 1943 and 1944 pages of this website.  Elaine is married to Tom McAdams, Tech '43.

May 1, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that KAY STARR, major recording star from the 50's graduated from Tech in 1940?  Her name at Tech was Katherine Starks and she was already doing tours with major bands.

May 1, 2007:  Class of 1968  Phil Murphy and his wife Donna are scanning the senior yearbook photos for the Class of 1968.  The new pages should be ready soon.  Thanks Phil and Donna.

April 30, 2007:  Did you know?  Did you know that the first Techite to become an All American football player was JIMMY CRAWFORD, Class of 1946?

April 30, 2007:  New Pages.  Since this website opened, new pages have been added for the classes of 1959, 1964, and 1968.  We're hoping that someone in these classes will come forward and volunteer to scan their senior yearbook photos so they can be added to the new pages.

April 29, 2007:  1950 Reunion.  The Tech Class of 1950 57th Reunion came to a happy close last night in Memphis with 90 classmates and friends in attendance.  Special notice was made of Billy Trotter who attended his very first reunion.  (Billy had never been interested before, but he really enjoyed being part of this).  You'll be able to see reunion photos on the Class of 50's website in the near future.

April 29, 2007:  Today's Email.  Jo Lynn Yarbrough Smith (Tech 1953) "... is very much appreciated by all of us who went to Tech and still hold dear, all of our precious memories and friendships we made there."  Don Leath (Tech 1959) left a message in the Guest Book.  Martin Willis (Tech 1956) says, "Thanks".  Ruth Hage St. Peter (Tech 1955) says, "...this is great...for our school, thanks".  William Tucker (Tech 1957) says "...great job on the new site.  I just spent several hours going to all the classes, and the pictures from the 1920s are GREAT.  Some of the teachers shown in the 1920s were still here in 1957".  Carolyn Elliott (Tech Teacher: 1963-1987)sent a very nice email and recommends that a section be established for "Illustrious Tech Graduates" and ask all classmates for recommendations.  Glenn Lockhart (Tech 1951) "...really likes the newest website with all the classes from Tech.  Fred Regenold (Tech 1949)  sends another email:  I've been looking at the new Tech website...great...and a helluva lot of work...There're probably many who don't even know about it. Too bad.  Sue Lee Johnson (Tech 1951) "...really nice.  I hope the classes who haven't gotten serious...will get busy.  This is such a unique thing and probably the only such website in the whole country.  Sue Lee Johnson (Tech 1951) "...really nice.  I hope the classes who haven't gotten serious...will get busy.  This is such a unique thing and probably the only such website in the whole country.

April 28, 2007:  We Get Email.  Janice Crawford (Tech 1976) really appreciates the site.  Virginia Brown Clingan (Tech 1964) plans to scan the senior photos for the class of 1962.  Phil Murphy (Tech 1968) appreciates the new site and hopes someone from his class will be able to scan the senior photos.  Fred Regenold (Tech 1949) says the site "brings back memories" and he immediately sent the website address to two other classmates.  Cathy Turner (Tech 1973) left a message in the Guest Book.  Bob Mann (Tech 1947) says, it's "a great idea to make it an all-in-one Tech web site". 

April 27, 2007:  New Tech High Alumni website opens.  It is hoped that all alumni from Memphis Tech High will participate in this new website.  Eventually, we hope to have every class at Tech represented on these pages.  Currently there is a Guest Book so you can leave general comments and/or suggestions.  Most of the individual class pages have a separate Message Board where you can leave messages just for your classmates.  And you can send email to the site webmaster if you want some "news" to appear on this news/gossip page.

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