Memphis Central
High School - 1924 |
Known as
"Warriors", Central's logo was an ancient American Indian design now
known as the swastika. They stopped using the design during
World War II. |
ABRAHAM, George |
ACKLEN, Milton |
ALLEN, Lucile |
ANDREWS, Mildred |
APPLING, Agnes |
ASKEW, Otis T. |
BACON, Anne |
BAKER, Elizabeth |
BARBOUR, Douglas |
BEASLEY, Laura |
BEDWELL, Mary E. |
BEGGS, Dorothy |
BELL, Mary R. |
BICKFORD, Marion |
BLACK, Anne |
BLOCK, Dorothy L. |
BOND, Richmond |
BOOHER, Richard |
BOOTH, Esther |
BOYD, Alston |
BOYER, Guy |
BRAVER, Lillian |
BROWNE, Mallory |
BUSH, Dorothy S. |
BYBEE, J. T. |
CALDWELL, Dorothy |
CALVERY, Viola G. |
CARNES, Elizabeth |
Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos. |
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