1982 Memories...

Acey - Brown, N.

Brown, W. - Fitz

Foster - Joy

Kyles - Moore, G.

Moore, V. -Ward

Walls - Young

Last Page




1982 Yearbook

Dedication:  The 1982 Review Staff dedicates this annual to Mrs. Mary Teresa Walker, known to her do-workers as Terry.  Mrs. Walker has taught English 11 at Memphis Tech for five years.  She is well liked by her students because of her youth and enthusiasm.  Mrs. Walker sponsors many extra-curricular activities.  She has recently taken over the student council and has done a fine job of it.











1982 Teachers...



Acey - Brown, N.

Brown, W. - Fitz

Foster - Joy

Kyles - Moore, G.

Moore, V. -Ward

Walls - Young

Last Page




Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.