1980 Memories...

Adams - Cavil, A

Cavil, O - Giles

Glasco - Houston

Hudson - Lindsay

Lopez - Pernell

Phillips - Smith, R

Smith, P - Waltren

Warren - Yancy





1980 Yearbook

CLASS SPONSOR:  Mrs. Sallye Thomas




CLASS OFFICERS:  Vice President Pam Bledsoe, President Preston Bradshaw, Secretary Debra Randie, Treasurer Jackie Alexander, Parliamentarian Marilyn Kincaid




DEDICATION:  Mr. Robert Terrell, Ass't Principal at Tech for 6 years.  With great pleasure, theYearbook Staff dedicates this annual to Robert Terrell.  To him we say:  You showed us the meaning of respect, compassion, and understanding.  You praised us when we performed admirably; you scolded us when we exhibited inappropriate behavior.  You challenged us to reach the greatest heights possible with your high expectations.  Yet you neve asked us to behave in any manner that you had not already set us an excellent example.  You showed through your actions that a sermon in deed is more effective than a sermon in mere words.  Both faculty and students join in this expression of gratitude.  We are better people because you touched our lives.  Thank you, Mr. Terrell.

Yearbook Staff:  Gloria Green, Steve Coleman, Cornelious Kyles, Brenda Owens, Mrs. Elliott, Brenda Coleman



HONOR SOCIETY:  Karen Cook, Jackie Alexander, Anthony Hester, Pat Glasco, Gloria Green, Preston Bradshaw.  2nd Row:  Julia Massey, Linda Cooper, Pinkie Mitchell, christine Chism, Caroline Gunn.  3rd Row:  Yvette Patton, Pam Bledsoe, Luis Lopez, Connie Taylor, Gordon Galey.


1980 Teachers...



Adams - Cavil, A

Cavil, O - Giles

Glasco - Houston

Hudson - Lindsay

Lopez - Pernell

Phillips - Smith, R

Smith, P - Waltren

Warren - Yancy



Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.