1976 Memories...

Akers - Burkes, G. Burks, T - Deason Dellingham - Green Gregory - Johnson
Jones - Meadows Miller - Pemberton Perry - Smith, K. Smith, L - Waddill
Wafford - Wright Last 2





1976 Yearbook



Dedication:  Because we respect them for their leadership and fairness and because they work so well together as a team, the staff of the 1976 REVIEW dedicates this publication to our new principal, Mr. William C. Kobeck , and to our Assistant Principal, Mr. Robert Terrell.


Football Team




Yellowjacket Staff






Homecoming Queen




Art Club



Basketball B Team


Akers - Burkes, G. Burks, T - Deason Dellingham - Green Gregory - Johnson
Jones - Meadows Miller - Pemberton Perry - Smith, K. Smith, L - Waddill
Wafford - Wright Last 2





Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.