1974 Memories...

Aldridge - Brown Bruno - Cox, A. Cox, T. - Eggleston Exum - Hawkins
Hayes - Jackson, A. Jackson, E. - Lewis Lipford - Mullins Nash - Phillips
Price - Strickland Strohl - Walker Weber - Wren -






It is an honor to pay tribute to one who has become such a genuine part of Tech High School.  His interest in his students and his eagerness to help them have endeared him to all who have come under his influence.  Most of all he possesses a keen sense of humor and the ability to laugh with his students while holding their respect for him.  Because he means so much to so many, we the Annual Staff of Tech, dedicate the 1974 Annual to Mr. JOBE WALKER.


1974 Yearbook








Class Officers:  Chaplain Rita Smith, President Yvette Tate, Vice-President Audry Mills, Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Lawson, Secretary Patricia Tucker

Miss Tech 
Autrey Mills  Mr. Tech Tyrone Gentry







1974 Teachers...



Aldridge - Brown Bruno - Cox, A. Cox, T. - Eggleston Exum - Hawkins
Hayes - Jackson, A. Jackson, E. - Lewis Lipford - Mullins Nash - Phillips
Price - Strickland Strohl - Walker Weber - Wren -






Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.