1973 Memories...

Adams - Braden Brim - Burkes Burnett - Coleman Fevurly - Hardy
Harper - Hyde Inman - Lawler Lee - Mickey Mills - Payne
Peck - Ray Richmond - Troutman Tucker - Williams, G. Williams, M. - Zuber






1973 Yearbook





Dedication:    "I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness; and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high."  Psalms 7:17

These words could easily be the philosophy of one of Tech's most enthusiastic teachers: Mr. Leland Marsh.  He's not only an excellent Band and Chorus director but also a friend to all students.  He also serves as sponsor of the Senior Class and of the Modern Music Masters.  Mr. Marsh's cheerful manner and warm personality have brought joy to those who came into contact with him.  He inspires his students to love music, to perfect their talents, to develop confidence, and to enjoy life as it comes along.  With great appreciation and affection, we, the 1973 Review Staff, dedicate this book to Leland Marsh.


Boys' Basketball Team



Girls' Basketball Team



Baseball Team:  Mike Mills, Paul Parker, Alvie Addison.  2nd Row:  Carl McFadgon, Wayne Lamar, Gerald Jones.  3rd Row:  Stan Griffin, Larry Lacroix, Eddie Torres.  4th:  Ricky Hogue, ricky Mills, Wallace Haney.  5th:  Pat Lawson, Keigh Houe, Donald Holmes.  6th:  Mitch Harrison, Terry Wiley.  7th:  Danny Bounds, Coach Wright, George Huffman.


1973 Teachers...




Adams - Braden Brim - Burkes Burnett - Coleman Fevurly - Hardy
Harper - Hyde Inman - Lawler Lee - Mickey Mills - Payne
Peck - Ray Richmond - Troutman Tucker - Williams, G. Williams, M. - Zuber






Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.