Memphis Tech Review -  1968


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Thanks to Maureen Thoni White, Honorary 1969 Techite,  for scanning the 1968 yearbook.

1968 Cover page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Administration

Please wait until all 169 pages load before clicking on the small photos.


5 Principal 6 Dedication 7 8 9


10 11 Registration 12 Routine 13 14
15 Progress 16 Friendship 17 18 Service 19
20 Creativity 21 22 23 Participation 24
25 Spirit 26 27 Faculty-Staff 28 Faculty-Staff 29 Faculty-Staff
30 Faculty-Staff 31 Faculty-Staff 32 Faculty-Staff 33 Faculty-Staff 34 Faculty-Staff
35 Faculty-Staff 36 Faculty-Staff 37 Faculty-Staff 38 Tribute 39 Tribute
40 41 Sophomores 42 Soph Officers 43 Soph Ad-Bo 44 Soph Br-Gr
45 Soph Br-Jo 46 Soph Jo-Mo 47 Soph Mo-Ph 48 Soph Po-Ru 49 Soph Ru-Sn
50 Soph So-To 51 Soph Tr-Ya 52 53 Juniors 54 Officers + Al-Bo
55 Juniors Br-Cr 56 Juniors Cr-Ha 57 Juniors Ha-Ja 58 Juniors Ja-Ma 59 Juniors Mc-Ri
60 Juniors Ro-To 61 Juniors Tr-Yo 62  63 Seniors 64 Officers
65 Seniors Ac - Ba 66 Seniors Ba - Bu 67  Seniors Ca - Cr 68 Seniors Da - Dr 69 Seniors Da - Fo
70 Seniors Fe - Gi 71 Seniors Go - Fa 72 Seniors Ha - Jo 73 Seniors Jo - Jo 74 Seniors Ke - Li
75 Seniors Ma - Mc 76 Seniors Mc - Mo 77 Seniors Mu - Pe 78 Seniors Pi - Pi 79 Seniors Pl - Ro


80 Seniors Sa - Si 81 Seniors Sm - Sw 82 Seniors Ta - Tu 83 Seniors Tu - Wa 84 Seniors Wa - Ye


85 Seniors 86 Hall of Fame 87 Mr-Miss Tech 88 Most Intellectual 89 Best Personality


90 Most Courteous 91 Most Likely to Succeed 92 Wittiest 93 Most Athletic 94 Handsome-Beautiful
95 Most Versatile 96 Best Dressed 97 Friendliest 98 Most Talented 99 Favorites
100 Good Citizens 101 Sph-Jr Favorites 102 103 Activities 104 Student Council
105  Charities 106 Charities 107  PTA 108 Nat Honor Society 109 Semester Honors
110 Key Club 111 Sweetheart 112  VICA 113  VICA 114 D.E.C.A
115 D.E.C.A. 116 FHA 117 FHA 118 Voos Club 119 Voos club
120 Forensic League 121 Thespians 122 V.O.O.C. 123  V.O.O.C. 124 Spanish club
125 Spanish club 126 Music 127 Music 128 Y Teens 129
130 Yellowjacket Staff 131 Quill and Scroll 132 Review Staff 133 Beauty Review 134 Beauty Review


135 Beauty Review 136 Special Programs 137 Activities-Awards 138 A Salute... 139 Vocational
140 Vocational 141 Vocational 142 Vocational 143 Vocational 144
145 Sports 146 Pep - Cheerleaders 147 Cheerleaders 148 Homecoming Queen 149 Homecoming Queen
150 Football 151 Football 152 Basketball 153 Basketball 154 Sports


155 Sports Highlights 156 Advertising 157 Advertising 158 Advertising 159 Advertising


160 Advertising 161 Advertising 162 Advertising 163 Advertising 164 Index
165 Index 166 Index 167 Index 168 Autographs  


Thanks to Maureen Thoni White, Honorary 1969 Techite,  for scanning the 1968 yearbook.