1960 Memories...

Pages 1 - 2 Pages 3 - 4 Pages 5 - 6 Pages 7 - 8
Pages 9 - 10 Pages 11 - 12 Pages 13 - 14 Pages 15 - 16
Pages 17 - 18 Pages 19 Not Pictured -




1960 Yearbook


DECICATION:  Margaret Gavin
We the graduating class of 1960 do gratefully dedicate The Review to our beloved class director, Miss Margaret Gavin.  Her endles efforts on our behalf have helped to make our high school years memorable.  She has guided all our class activities through our three years and has helped prepare us for graduation.  She is not only class director but is also sponsor and advisor for the Student Council and the National Honor Society.




Honor Society Officers:  Shirley Simpson, President, Bob Austin, Vice President, Donna Brumley, President Spring, Bonnie Roberts, Secretary, Jo Carman, Sergeant-at-arms, Loretta Griffin, Program Chairman, Charlotte Wilkinson, Treasurer, Nancy Swanger, Reporter, and Peggy Tatum, Chaplain.  Faculty Sponsors:  Harry Esslinger, Margaret Gavin, Margaret Kelly



REGISTRATION:  Gertrude Geraghty, Senior English


Art Award Jo Dilday, Lt. Joseph Applenton, George Piaggio, and W. A. Bourne



CLASSROOM:  Mayo Linder, Billie Sowell, Harriet Dunn, Judy York, Karen Gosney.

Margaret Gavin, Melvin Tolbert, Leake Zachary, John Richardson, Phil Lewis



CLASS OFFICERS:  Dan Freeman, President; Robert Henry, Marcus Cain, Curtis Cain, Beverly Scott, Barbara Brown, Peggy Trotter.






Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.