Class of 1950 - 60th Reunion

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The Class of 1950 celebrated their 60th Reunion April 30 and May1, with a Barbecue, Dinner, and Ladies Luncheon.  Over 100 classmates and friends attended the Barbecue and 75 attended the Dinner.  Some folks were unable to get to the Reunion due to Tornadoes and floods in the area.  Thanks to Joyce Sides Baker, Tech '51, for sharing the photos below.

  Please wait for all photos to load before clicking one to enlarge it.   Photos are shown in the order they were taken.

The Barbecue:  April 30, 2010  . St. George's Episcopal church

Jerry - Don






Rob Jolly Tech Collection


Rob Jolly Tech Collection


Jim - Jo - Jimmy - Louise


Gene - Louise - Teresa


Barbara - Herbert


Donnie - Jessie


Jessie - Bettie


Jerry - Billy


Tom - Bill - Winford - Joe


Pat - Tillie


Billy - Ed Craig


Joe and Betty Black


Jerry - Joann


Dottie - Alex


Billy - Pamela


Alex - Evelyn


Faye - Gerald


Al - Charlene


Nathaniel - Joann


Melba - Tom


Shelley - Pat - Polly


Kathy - Billie Ann


Polly - Colleen


Pat - Ann


Fred - Tillie


Pat - Bob - Margaret


Mackey - Barbara


Don - Virginia


Joe - Roy


Sue - Bill



Mary Jane - Tom


Charles - Joann


Charles-Joann-Mary Jane-Tom


Alex - Franklin


Harry - Al


Ralph - Jim


Shirley - Jim




Phyllis - Jan


Nancy - Judy


Nancy - Judy - Bill


John - Pat


Richard - Nancy - Judy


Louise - Linda - Dan


Joe - Pat


Don - Nancy


Shirley - Mildred


Roy - Bob - Franklin - Jim


Ralph - Carolyn


Jimmy - Louise


Fred - Tillie


Elaine - Margaret - Joyce


Winford - Jim


Don - Polly


Don - Joe - Pat



Tom - Franklin



Virginia - Don - Pollye



Gene - Margaret


Jim - Sue


Sue - Joyce


Joyce - Winford


Theresa - Bob - Carolyn




Billie - Kathy - Nancy


Pam - Sue - Shelley


Faye - Mackey - Pat




Winford - Roy - Gerald


Winford - Bill


Ralph - Tom


Margaret - Joyce - Theresa





Ladies Luncheon:  April 30, 2010


Elaine - Pam


Virginia - Elaine - Pam


Theresa - Billie


Joanne - Bettyy


Jessie - Evelyn


Joeann - Pollye


Shelley - Margaret - Joyce


Nancy - Eleanor


Pat - Carolyn


Joyce - Joyce


Nancy - Melba - Eleanor


Nancy - Eleanor


Ann - Joann


Group 1


Group 2



The Dinner:  May 1, 2010 . Fogelman's Executive Conference Center


Nina - Billie - Kathy


Margaret - Joyce - Gene


James - Floy - Pat - Joe


Billy - Alex - Evelyn - Pamela




Carolyn - Ralph - Tom - Melba


Eleanor - Don - Nancy


Dan - Linda - Pollye - Louise


Shelley - Joann - Nat


Theresa - Virginia - Don


Barbara - Mackey - Jerry - Billy


Joyce - Gene


Bob - Franklin - John - Pat


Tom - Mary Jane - Joan Caviness


Harry - Al - Carlene - Roy


Mark - Elaine


Winford - Margaret - Nancy


Winford - Margaret - Nancy


Melba - Jerry - Don


Joan - Charles - Tom - Mary Jane


Elaine - Jerry


Shelley  Nancy - Margaret - Gene


Names on Large Photo

Names on Large Photo



Nancy - Judy - Winford - Joyce


Names on Large Photo