Memphis Tech High School - 1933

Officers - Berry Berryhill - Cartwright Casiday - Draper Dumas - Goodman
Goings - Hettinger Hill - Kendrick Kennedy - Mabry Macdonald - McQuirter
Millican - Perry Petterson - Reach Redditt - Shearon Sherstrom - Trainer
Ulrich - Winston Wolf - Last 2 pages - -






Pages 11 and 12:  Hill to Kendrick

HILL, James S.


HODGES, Dorothy Frances


HOLCOMBE, William Hull, Jr.




HOOKS, Altus M.


HOZIER, Charles Scott


HUCKABEE, Harrelson


HURLEY, Nell Virginia


IRWIN, Gilbert Neal


JEHL, Vassar Tennace


Page 12


JOHNSON, Russell Garner


JONES, Woodrow L.


JOPLING, Louise Porter


JORDAN, Carolyn


JOYNER, William Sales



KEHOE, Thomas James, Jr.


KELTNER, Lillian Alma


KENDRICK, Virginia


Officers - Berry Berryhill - Cartwright Casiday - Draper Dumas - Goodman
Goings - Hettinger Hill - Kendrick Kennedy - Mabry Macdonald - McQuirter
Millican - Perry Petterson - Reach Redditt - Shearon Sherstrom - Trainer
Ulrich - Winston Wolf - Last 2 pages - -






Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the Yearbook Photos