Did you know...?

Officers - Bailey Bedsole - Cartier Cantrell - Easterling Elder - Hardy
Harris - Johnson Jordan - Martin Mandleman - Moody Moore - Payne
Pearson - Ross Rosenheim - Threlkeld Todd - Whitehead Whitten - Yergen









Curtis Person, Tech 1931, has won more than 75 Senior Golf Championships and is in the Golf Hall of Fame?


James Leonard Highsaw, Jr.
James Leonard Highsaw, Jr.  Tech 1931, was the son of long time principal J. L. Highsaw.  He was quite a scholar and not only was the Class President but the Class Valedictorian.   He went on to Princeton, graduating in 1935 as Class Valedictorian.  Afterwards he completed Harvard Law School and entered Government Service prior to opening his own law firm in 1955.

Officers - Bailey Bedsole - Cartier Cantrell - Easterling Elder - Hardy
Harris - Johnson Jordan - Martin Mandleman - Moody Moore - Payne
Pearson - Ross Rosenheim - Threlkeld Todd - Whitehead Whitten - Yergen