Crockett Tech High School - 1926
Appling - Brooks
Callicott - Ellis
Fisher - Hartsfield
Hopkins - Kime
Kinney - McCord
Mieher - Rector
Renegar - Smith
Spence - Wilson
Post Graduates
Smith-Hughes 1
Smith-Hughes 2
Smith-Hughes 3
Pages 9, 10, 11, 12: Fisher to Hartsfield
FISHER, Oscar Bell, Jr. - - - - -
EVANS, Lottie Louise - - - - -
FRACCHIA, Maurice Edward - - - - -
FRANCESCHI, Alba - - - - -
GARNER, Gilbert W., Jr. - - - - -
FRANKS, Virginia Mae - - - - -
GOODWIN, Mildred Marie - - - - -
GOLDSTEIN, Sam - - - - -
HAGER, Leah Ruth - - - - -
HARDIN, James Landon - - - - -
HARRIS, Julian Nelson - - - - -
HARTSFIELD, Orville Benton - - - - -
Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.