1960-66 Reunion Mixer:  July 14, 2007

 Memphis Botanic Gardens


Click on small photo to see large photo.  Thanks to Ed Bell and Joyce Blackford  for the Photos.



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Class of 1960

Class of 1961

Class of 1962

Class of 1963


Class of 1964

Class of 1965

Class of 1966

Marcus - Linda


Ben - Kay  - Susan

Richard - Joan - Pat

Barbara - Joyce

Barry - Larry







Frank - Albert

Ed Bell

? - Sandra

Jerry - Mary Vickers


Martha - Roland Pittman

Mrs. Jay Fuller


Pat - Forrest


Randy - Joan

Dianne - John Dee Maxine


Theresa Susan Martha-Roland-Ed-Hal Dinner - Roger
Shirley - Barbara William - Shirley Judy - Dolly Dave - Rex - Theresa

Gary Bizzell Ben - Kay - Susan Sandra Danny - Pat
Sandra Marcus - Linda Kay - Linda Laevon - Veda - Ed Guest - Linda
Frank Martha - Patsy Rex Veda - Laevon - Danielle
Danny - Pat - Betty Hendon Coach Wright -Theresa Mrs. Sivert - Coach Sivert Mrs. Grimes - Betty - Amme
Nancy - Linda Robert - Boyce - William Andy Alvin - Linda
Larry - Jay - Wife Andy - Larry - Gary - Steve    
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