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1960-66 Reunion Mixer:  July 18, 2009

 Memphis Botanic Gardens


Thanks to Ed Bell for photos below.  Click on a small photo to see a larger photo.

Elaine - Steve Class of 1964 Donna - Doug - Wife Coach Wright





Alcy - Linda Chow Line Don - Sue - Bill Joan - Richard
The Mixer Diane Ed - Roland Class of 1962





Lucy - Linda - Marcus Roland - Linda Beat Generation Class of 1966
John Group Elliott - Wright Chow Line

Thanks to Joan McCommon for photos below.  Click on a small photo to see a larger photo.

Bobby - Judy Class of 1966 Class of 66 group Coach Wright sings...





Curt - Friend Danny - Curt Danny - Ed - David Dorothy - Joan
Friends of '66 Judy - Kent - Dolly Mike - Reta Mrs. Norwood - Mr. Baker





Pat - Joan Sherry - Nancy Bobby - Sherry Coach Wright

Thanks to Rita Johnson Wieland for photos below.  Click on a small photo to see a larger photo and the names.































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