Request a Tech Transcript?

How do you get a transcript of your Tech records when there is no Tech?

Write a letter and include the following information:

Date of Birth:
Parent's Name:
School and Year:



A photo ID, such as a copy of Driver's License
One other ID, such as Voter's Registration, Library Card, etc.
$2.00 cash or Money Order.  No checks.
Tell them where to send the transcript... and sign your letter.
Mail to: 

Board of Education
Office of Student Records
2597 Avery,
Room #103
Memphis TN 38112

Attn:  Helen Evans
  Click here to download a Form letter


Note:  Some "Hard Copies" of student records were left at the old Tech Building (Now the Northwest Prep Academy) and in the event that the Board of Education cannot locate the transcript, it might be necessary to contact:

Northwest Prep Academy
1266 Poplar
Memphis TN 38104
901 416-4400

In the event that a University or some other agency requests a copy of the transcript, the registrar or some other designated person, would have to mail a request with a signed consent from the person whose transcript they are requesting.



You can also visit the Memphis City Schools website at "".  Click on "STUDENTS"... and then "STUDENT FORMS"... and then "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM"