senior year of Robert (Robbie) Jolly, Teen-Ager of the Week
from Memphis Technical High School, has been a year of
presidential responsibility.
Classmates chose him class secretary his sophomore year and
sergeant-at-arms his junior year. This year they elected him
president. The Thespians elected him treasurer last year,
this year he is president. He was secretary of the Key Club
last year, now he presides . He joined the National
Forensic League and was handed the gavel of that
organization. Demolay is an extra curricular activity in which
he served as chapter chaplain last year, now is master
In spite of the recognition of his outstanding leadership
qualities as president of these five major school
organizations, speech is his first love and will be his major
at Memphis State.
He has participated in more than
20 speech tournaments and won many first place ribbons. He
had the lead role in his school's production of "Barefoot in
the Park" and participated in both skit day and the talent