Free Note Cards |
15 different designs featuring
Tech High
Each note card photo fills one fourth of an 8 1/2" x 11" page. When the page is
folded it fits perfectly into a #5 1/2 Envelope, which is available at any
office supply house. To Download: Click on any card below and
when the full page opens, click FILE... and SAVE AS to your computer (It
will not print correctly direct from the website).
If the card
does not print correctly, check that your Printer Preferences
"Orientation Box" is set to "Portrait", and your Printer Set Up "Size Box"
is set to "Fit to Page". If you still can't get a good print,
send email to
Gene and he'll email the file(s) to you.
The cards will print on plain paper, but they look so much better
on good paper.