Missing Classmates

Please help us find our missing classmates. 
If you have information about any of the "missing" listed below, click on the Contact name under the year, to send email with the details.  Please help us find our missing classmates.


If any other class wants their missing listed here, send the list to webmaster of this site.





Contact:  Don Hild . Nancy Tucker Douglass

All Classmates accounted for!






Contact:  Jim Anderson - Sue Lee Johnson

Andre, Edith (Evans) Evans, Norma Smith, Annelle
Bailey, Luther Fowler, Margaret A. (Mullins) Swain, Harry
Barringer, Billy W. Hoppes, Wanda (Biship) Thompson, Betty J.
Bumpus, Joyce (Doc Anderson) Mogridge, Rosie (Ezelle) Vowell, Mary E. (Voss)
Chapman, Ben Nelson, Mary Nell Wright, Bobby
Clemens, Dawson Potts, J. Frank III  
Crabtree, Betty Ann Shipp, Nancy Earl  
Dugan, Mary Jane (Carl White) Simpson, Anita  




Contact: Candy Holt Wilkinson - Bill Lloyd

Cresswell, Joan Elizabeth Knight, Rosemary Wilson, Billy
Griffith, Sara Ellen Langhammer, Patricia  
Lipscomb, Lila Ruth Shultz, Louise Irene  






Contact: Jo Lynn Yarbrough Smith

Arnett, Gloria Harrison, Patsy Mitchell, Marilyn
Balch, Geraldine Hill, Tennie Myatt, Janie (Edwards)
Brown, June Honeycutt, Danny Pate, Janice
Carr, Janie Howard, Sandra Roop, Robert
Dedmon, Bobbie Frances Jordan, Charles Edward Teague, Laverne (Swearengen)
Elmore, Billy Jones, Norma Turner, Clyde
Foster, Lessie Kenny, Elizabeth (O'Brien) Utley, Thelma
Funk, Frank Leslie, Peggy (Coxe) Lanahan, Linnie (Bailey)
Gleaves, Barbara Loberg, Barbara Webb, Charles
Guice, Bobby Lyle, Hershel  
Guice, Bobby Miles, Mary Katherine (Clements)  






Contact: Bill Tucker


Anderson, James Gardner, Ethel Ray, Wanda
Baggett, Marie Greenwood, Carolyn Riddle, Charles
Baird, Wesley Greenwood, Earl Sampson, Joe
Barnes, Stanley Griffen, Joe Sherwood, Milton L.
Beasley, James Guess, Pat Smith, Wayne
Blyeth, James Hendrix, David Stone, Warren
Brady, Darlene Holcomb, Barbara Ann Taylor, Edward
Brasfield, Leslie Jean Holt, Betty Teague, Peggy T.
Braton, Ross Houston, Jim Perry Thornton, Mary Jo
Briggs, Morgan Houston, Norma Volz, Barbara
Butler, Gordon Hutchison, Ann Foote Walker, James Perry
Butler, Steve Jackson, Louise Warner, Maxine
Carter, Frank Johnson, Johnny Watson, Philip Dudley
Case, Charles Jones, Betty Ann Webb, Linda (Davis)
Case, Joe Jones, Betty Jean Weir, Jackie
Christian, Betty Sue Joyner, Jimmy West, Ruth
Chu, John Keenum, Jacqueline Whitney, Bernice
Conrad, Elmer Kellum, Jean Wiggs, Delvin
Crosslin, John Kelly, Michael Gordon Wigley, Frank
Davis, Arthur Lowrance, Ronald Wilhelm, Jon
Dillard, Mary Jo Mask, Mary Lou Witt, Faye
Dutton, Barbara McCollom, Donovan Wray, Jimmy
Dyer, James Miles, Nora Jean Wright, James
Ford, Robert Wayne Priester, Clifton  
Gardner, Delores Proctor, Lynda  




Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford







Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford







Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford

Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford







Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford

Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford





Contact: Joyce Poor Blackford