Tailors Parades to Fit All

Veteran Producer Mike Abt Gives Views on How to Please

People of all Tastes; Cites Experience With Cotton Carnival


This article about Tech art teacher Mike Abt     
is from Billboard Magazine*, June 28, 1952



This is the way the article appears in Billboard.
 To read it, Click on the enlargements on the right ...

 Click on article for enlargement

  Click on article for enlargement


The photos that appeared in the article are below. 
Click on the small float photos for an enlargement


Teacher Mike Abt

Webmaster Gene Gill sponsored and built this float



* Billboard Magazine was founded in 1894 as a publication for the billposting and advertising business, but expanded over the decades to cover amusements, motion pictures, radio, recorded music and other areas of the rapidly growing entertainment industry.  It is still being published.  www.billboard.com