Crockett Tech High School - 1926

Presenting the Senior Class of 1926...


Appling - Brooks

Callicott - Ellis

Fisher - Hartsfield

Hopkins - Kime

Kinney - McCord

Mieher - Rector

Renegar - Smith

Spence - Wilson

Post Graduates

Smith-Hughes 1

Smith-Hughes 2

Smith-Hughes 3



Pages 1, 2, 3, 4:  Appling to Brooks

APPLING, Lavonia Rosetta


ARON, Mildred


BAIRD, Mary Elizabet


BELL, James Barry


BARNES, Edna May


BEVANS, John Newton


BOLIN, Alma Sarah


BILL, Arthur Terry


BLACK, Elsie Todd


BOHNAM, Eleanor Lea


BRENNAN, Baird Martin


BROOKS, Carrie




Appling - Brooks

Callicott - Ellis

Fisher - Hartsfield

Hopkins - Kime

Kinney - McCord

Mieher - Rector

Renegar - Smith

Spence - Wilson

Post Graduates

Smith-Hughes 1

Smith-Hughes 2

Smith-Hughes 3



Thanks to Sue Lee Johnson, Tech 1951, for scanning the photos.