Crockett Technical High - Class of 1921


1921 marks the year when "Vocational" was dropped from the school name and replaced with "Technical".  The Crockett Technical High name appears in the Commercial Appeal on January 1921 - although it will frequently continue to be called "Vocational High School".

J. L. Highsaw will continue to push for a new and larger technical school to be built.

The article below marks the first year a class graduates under the Tech name.   It is not known if there was a yearbook for 1921


The newspaper articles below are interesting. 
Click on the fragment for an enlargement of the full article.


Below:  In 1921, Newspapers will begin to call the school "Tech High" for short.

Below:  A 1921 article about mid-year commencement for "Vocational High"
Below:  1st Honors Military Tournament against Central

Below:  A 1921 Article about the 1st Honors Military Tournament against Central.



Crockett Technical High School Graduates - 1921

Class of 1921

William N. Belser
Lena Moore Douglass
Marie Frey
Raymond Kinkle
Fannie Lee Martin
Minne Lee Talbert
Talmadge Wolfe






Smith-Hughes Program 1921

J. B. Hutchinson
Frank Rice
Raymond Kinkle
Nelson Nichols
Eleanor Clark
Mildred Williams
Roy Baker
Harry Mincer
Wilber Rodgers
James Smith
Thomas Spence
Raymond Watson
Viola Branch
Irene Crump
Lena Douglass
Willie Inez Kennedy
Gertie Mai Smith
Ida Willis
Henry Mitchie